Booking form for CERN hostel

A block of rooms has been retained at the CERN hostel from November 5th to 11th, 2023. This block is valid until Friday, October 13th, 2023. After this date all unreserved rooms will be returned to the hostel. 

To book a room from the block reservation, please fill and send the booking form to the CERN housing service as marked on the form.

For booking after the expiry of the reservation, please use this hostel booking form (also can be found at the bottom of the indico home page), giving your own personal details and credit card number for payment, and provide it by email to the CERN Hostel before October 13th, 2023 to secure a room from this block.

Please pay attention to payment and cancellation conditions.



In case of questions/doubts, please contact the conference secretariat at