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IMPRESS Symposium (online)

Julia Woithe (CERN), Magdalena Kersting

Notes/links from the chat




Panel discussion


Dream related to online education resource inventory: we have over the past couple of years started creating a public inventory for educational modules, resources, and in the coming year, we will be transferring this to the European Quantum Readiness cecentrenter, with a "quantum playlist" and a set of criteria for more curated and validated, and innovative highigh-qualityh quality resources. We will launch the Quantum Readiness efforts formally at the  EQTC conference in October. oOnene of the main new pillars is that we are introducing something called EQRC Accords, in which all educational institutions and companies in the education and training ecosystem, can self-assess their quantum readiness efforts along a series of best practice dimensions, and get gold-silver-bronze acknowledgement for their efforts.


Information about CERN's PER team, publications etc 

CERn Science Gateway 


Publications Einsteinian Physics 
Jyoti has just submitted a pair of papers that describe our activity-first approach to the Arrive: authors Tejinder Kaur, Magdalena Kersting…should be up within 24 hours
To know more about Einstein-first, please visit at    As David mentioned, we have a new project called Quantum Girls and here is a website 
we are all thinking along the same lines….retraining teachers. Important that we all collaborate and share our papers, Our second new paper is our first research paper on teacher training outcomes, and we are currently preparing a funding application for further research on teacher training outcomes.

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