4:40 PM
P2.1: GEANT4 simulation study of low-Z material identification using muon tomography
Anzori Georgadze
(Institute of Physics, University of Tartu)
4:41 PM
P2.2: Imaging and spectrometric performance of SiC Timepix3 radiation camera
Bohumir Zatko
4:42 PM
P2.3: Advapix TPX3 detector with Realsense L515 Lidar Camera for Localization and Characterization of Hotspots.
Mattias Simons
(Hasselt University)
4:43 PM
P2.4: RIPTIDE, a proton-recoil track imaging detector for fast neutrons
Agatino Musumarra
(INFN-Sezione di Catania (IT))
Patrizio Console Camprini
4:44 PM
P2.5: Thickness-dependent characteristics of silicon-based Medipix3RX detectors at Sirius beamlines
Raul Back Campanelli
4:45 PM
P2.6: Detection of gastrointestinal foreign bodies in pets using single grid-based dark-field X-ray imaging
Jonghyeok Lee
(Yonsei university)
4:46 PM
P2.7: Development and Evaluation of Relative QA Dosimeter for Electron Beam Based on CsPbBr3
Seung-woo Yang
(Department of Radiation Oncology, Collage of Medicine, Inje University, Republic of Korea)
4:47 PM
P2.8: Effect of the shift-variant focal spot blur on the image quality in radiography
Hunwoo Lee
(Yonsei University)
4:48 PM
P2.9: Deep learning-based soft-tissue decomposition in chest radiography using fast fuzzy C-means clustering with computed tomography dataset
(Yonsei university)
4:49 PM
P2.10: Feasibility of Using 3D CZT Drift Strip Detectors for Small Compton Camera Space Missions
Selina Ringsborg Howalt Owe
(Technical University of Denmark)
4:50 PM
P2.11: A Study on the Feasibility of High-Energy X-ray CT for Inspection of AM Products
hunhee kim
(Doosan Enerbility)
4:51 PM
P2.12: The R&D of The Glass Scintillator for Nuclear Detection
Sen Qian
4:52 PM
P2.13: All-electrical control of micromechanical bolometers for THz detection
Leonardo Gregorat
(DIA, University of Trieste, 34127 Trieste, Italy)
Marco Cautero
(DIA, University of Trieste, 34127 Trieste, Italy)
4:53 PM
P2.14: Timepix3 multi-layer detector setup for the measurement of anomalies in angular correlation of electrons and positrons internally produced in excited 8Be and 4He
Pavel Broulim
(University of West Bohemia (CZ))
4:54 PM
P2.15: The impact of individual cosmic rays on a DEPFET spectroscopic X-ray imager for space telescopes
Johannes Müller-Seidlitz
(Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics)
4:55 PM
P2.16: Development of Red/Infra-red Emitting Scintillators for an Alpha Dust Monitor
Shunsuke Kurosawa
(Tohoku Univ. & Osaka Univ.)
4:56 PM
P2.17: Enhanced Readout System for Timepix3 Detectors in Large-Scale Scientific Facilities
Petr Burian
(Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ))
4:57 PM
P2.18: Investigation of fast neutron interactions in semiconductor sensors with Timepix3
Radu-Emanuel Mihai
(Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, Czech Technical University in Prague)
4:58 PM
P2.19: Angular correlation measurement and magnetic field response of 169Yb for double photon coincidence imaging
Boyu Feng
(The University of Tokyo)
4:59 PM
P2.20: Characterization of a Megapixel JUNGFRAU Detector with Novel GaAs:Cr Sensor for Photon Science Applications
Kirsty Paton
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
5:01 PM
P2.21: Fast Neutron Imaging with a p-Terphenyl Pixel Scintillation Array
Shunsuke Kurosawa
(Tohoku Univ. & Osaka Univ.)
5:02 PM
P2.22: Alpha-ray Imaging with Alkali Copper Halide Scintillator
Yusuke Urano
(Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University)
5:03 PM
P2.23: SpacePix3 - response characterization and total ionising dose testing for space applications
Maria Marcisovska
(Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ))
5:04 PM
P2.24: Preliminary results from the Submarine Gamma Imager
Valsamis Ntouskos
(National Technical University of Athens)
5:05 PM
P2.25: On the possibility of Spectral Imaging for Cell Location and Cell Tracking
Ralf Hendrik Menk
(Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste)
5:06 PM
P2.26: Helical sample-stepping for faster speckle-based multi-modal tomography with the Unified Modulated Pattern Analysis (UMPA) model
Sara Savatović
(Department of Physics, University of Trieste, Via Valerio 2, 34127 Trieste, Italy; Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste, Strada Statale 14 – km 163.5, 34149 Basovizza, Italy)
5:07 PM
P2.27: A simulation study of instant-retrigger technology for pulse pileup correction in clinical photon-counting tomography
Stevan Vrbaski
5:08 PM
P2.28: Distinguishing Neutron and Gamma Pulses of EJ-200 Scintillation Detector using Artificial Intelligence
Sy Minh Tuan HOANG
(Thu Dau Mot University)
5:09 PM
P2.29: Radiation Portal monitor performances at low energies
Celia LEY
(Bertin Technologies, Nuclear detection R&D)
5:10 PM
P2.30: Exploring coded aperture imaging with the MiniPIX EDU for high-resolution radiation belt electron pitch angle observations
Riley Reid
(University of Colorado Boulder)
5:11 PM
P2.31: Chromatic detector-based spectral µCT of iodine-perfused osteochondral samples
Renata Longo
5:12 PM
P2.32: X-ray computed tomography of the periodically moving object
Daniel Vavrik
5:13 PM
Deniz Ölçek
5:14 PM
P2.34: Particle Tracking and Monitoring of High-Intensity Proton Beams with Scattering Foil and Pixel Detector Timepix3
Dušan Poklop
5:15 PM
P2.35: Preclinical PET scanner with timing and 3D positioning capabilities based on semi-monolithic crystals
Jose M. Benlloch
5:17 PM
P2.36: Detection of Secondary Neutrons in Proton and Gamma Radiotherapy Fields with the Pixel Detector Timepix3
Carlos Granja
5:18 PM
P2.37: Experimental and simulation study of near-field coded-mask imaging for proton therapy monitoring
Vitalii Urbanevych
5:19 PM
P2.38: Development of near-infrared-sensitive single photon avalanche diode prototypes for a quantum ghost imaging system
Gyohyeok Song
5:20 PM
P2.39: Enhancing Design, Calibration, and Characterization of Detectors at the European XFEL with the Pulsed X-ray Test System (PulXar)
David Lomidze
(European XFEL)
5:21 PM
P2.40: Spectral response of the iLGAD sensors to soft X-rays
Jiaguo Zhang
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
5:22 PM
P2.41: Performance testing of gas-tight portable RPC for muography application
Vishal Kumar
(UCL - CP3)
5:23 PM
P2.42: Field Test for Performance Evaluation of a New Spent-Fuel Verification System in Heavy Water Reactor
Sung Woo Kwak
(Korea Institute of Nuclear Non-proliferation and Control)
5:24 PM
P2.43: Application and image characterization of the deconvolution algorithm in an indirect X-ray imaging detector with scintillators
Bo Kyung Cha
Hynwoo Lee
(Yonsei University)
5:25 PM
P2.44: Relative dosimeter study of therapeutic radiation beam energy based on photochromic switching film and semiconductor oxide composite for evaluating the feasibility of radiation detection capability
(Department of Nuclear Applied Engineering)
Seung Woo Yang
(Department of Radiation Oncology, Busan Paik Hospital, Inje University)
5:26 PM
P2.45: SiPM characterization for the SBC dark matter search
Hector Hawley Herrera
5:27 PM
P2.46: Neutron Radiation induced Effects in 4H-SiC PiN Diodes
Andreas Gsponer
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
5:28 PM
P2.47: Patient positioning based on a helium-beam radiograph (αRad)
Daria Zhevachevska
(Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum)
5:29 PM
P2.48: Characterization of interpad "no-gain" region in the novel, trenched LGADs, from the TI-LGAD RD50 batch production using a fs-laser based TCT-SPA and TPA -TCT at the ELI Beamlines, ELI ERIC
Gordana Lastovicka-Medin
(University of Montenegro)
5:30 PM
P2.49: First measurements and results of monolithic active pixel test structures produced in a 65 nm CMOS process
Matthew Daniel Buckland
(Universita e INFN Trieste (IT))
5:31 PM
P2.50: Enhancing accuracy of effective atomic number mapping with deep learning-based conversion: A promising alternative to dual-energy CT
Minjae Lee
(Yonsei University)
5:32 PM
P2.51: Eliminating grid artifacts of crisscrossed antiscatter grids in CBCT for improving its image performance
(Yonsei university)
5:33 PM
P2.52: Advances in the TCAD modelling of non-irradiated and irradiated Low-Gain Avalanche Diode sensors
Tommaso Croci
(INFN, Perugia (IT))
5:34 PM
P2.53: Scintillators and image characterization of a flat-panel X-ray detector for single-exposure dual energy imaging
Bo Kyung Cha
Chang-Woo Seo
(Yonsei University)
Minjae Lee
(Yonsei University)
5:35 PM
P2.54: Enhancing X-ray Detection Sensitivity through Hybrid Active Layers of PCDTBT and CdSe Core/CdTe Crown 2D Nanoplatelets
(Convergence Semiconductor Research Center, Dankook University, Yongin-Si, 16890, Gyeonggi-Do, Republic of Korea)
5:38 PM
P2.55: Development of prototype backscatter X-ray security scanner for luggage inspection
Geunyoung An
(Jeonbuk National University)
5:39 PM
P2.56: Automatic inline defects inspection of lithium-ion battery cells using parallel-triple detection filtering (PTDF) algorithm
Woosung Kim
(Yonsei university)
5:40 PM
P2.57: Effective noise reduction using a modified image pyramid incorporated with guided filtering for animal X-ray imaging
Woosung Kim
(Yonsei university)
5:41 PM
P2.58: Study of bulk damage of high dose gamma irradiated p-type silicon diodes with different resistivities
Iveta Zatocilova
(Albert Ludwigs Universitaet Freiburg (DE))
5:43 PM
P2.59: Simulation of Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy Systems
Thijs Withaar
(Sioux Technologies)
5:44 PM
P2.60: Time-efficient scanning schemes for x-ray μ-CT with a 2D structured beam
G. Lioliou
(University College London)
5:45 PM
P2.61: Feasibility Study of One-Dimensional Imaging with an Optical Fiber for Radiation Dose-Rate Monitoring System in the Decommissioning Process
Daisuke Matsukura
(Tohoku University)
5:46 PM
P2.62: Ex/in-vivo imaging of small animals using MPPC-based photon-counting CT
Mayu Sagisaka
5:47 PM
P2.63: A novel reconstruction method of angle-limited backprojection (ALBP) for low-dose dental panoramic imaging using a long-rectangular detector
Hyesun Yang
5:48 PM
P2.64: Design and simulation studies of the micro-pattern gaseous beam monitor of the CSR external-target experiment
Zhen Wang
5:49 PM
P2.65: Charge reset shaping multiplexing for SiPMs using deep learning architecture
Semin Kim
(Department of Bioengineering, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea)
5:50 PM
P2.66: First application of sparse-view image reconstruction with total-variation minimization for SiPM-based photon-counting CT
Daichi Sato
(Kanazawa University)
5:51 PM
P2.67: Stationary CT baggage scanner with a dual-layer detector and pi-angle sparsity for enhancing the detection of threats
Jiyong Shim
(Yonsei university)
5:52 PM
P2.68: Improvement of phoswich detector-based β+/γ-ray discrimination algorithm with deep learning
Chanho Kim
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), Daejeon, South Koreauth Korea)
5:53 PM
P2.69: Signal and noise analysis of a metal oxide transistor-based flat-panel detector
Seokwon Oh
(School of Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University)
5:54 PM
P2.70: Analysis of absorption signal and noise in thin phosphor detectors for high-energy transmission radiography
Ho Kyung Kim
(School of Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University)
Seungjun Yoo
(School of Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University)
5:55 PM
P2.71: Detective quantum efficiency of double-layered detectors for dual-energy x-ray imaging
Hubeom Shin
(School of Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University)
5:56 PM
P2.72: Eye Lens Dosimetry with Dosepix
Florian Beißer
(Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics)
5:57 PM
P2.73: Position-sensitive semiconductor detectors for nuclear fuel imaging
Peter Dendooven
(Helsinki Institute of Physics, University of Helsinki)
5:58 PM
P2.74: Experimental validation of Monte Carlo simulation model for X-ray security scanner
Junsung Park
(Jeonbuk National University)
5:59 PM
P2.75: Introduction of CRYTUR’s GAGG+ single crystal scintillator for imaging applications
Ondrej Zapadlik
6:00 PM
P2.76: A comparative study for pile-up correction based on deep neural networks
Wonku Kim
(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)