Oct 10 – 13, 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone

Simultaneous multi-vertex reconstruction with a minimum-cost lifted multicut graph partitioning algorithm

Oct 11, 2023, 3:00 PM
Auditorium (Le Village)


Le Village

Plenary Plenary


Vadim Kostyukhin (Universitaet Siegen (DE))


Particle physics experiments often require the simultaneous reconstruction of many interaction vertices. This task is complicated by track reconstruction errors which frequently are bigger than the typical vertex-vertex distances in physics problems. Usually, the vertex finding problem is solved by ad hoc heuristic algorithms. We propose a universal approach to address the multiple vertex finding in a dense environment through a principled formulation as a minimum-cost lifted multicut problem. The suggested algorithm is tested in a typical LHC environment with multiple pileup vertices produced by proton–proton interactions. The amount of these vertices and their significant density in the beam interaction region make this case a challenging testbed for the vertex-finding algorithms. To assess the vertexing performance in a dense environment with significant track reconstruction errors several dedicated metrics are proposed. We demonstrate that the minimum-cost lifted multi-cut approach outperforms heuristic algorithms and works well up to the highest pileup vertex multiplicity expected at the HL-LHC.


Vadim Kostyukhin (Universitaet Siegen (DE))

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