Standard and exotic Scalars at future HET factories

Aleksander Zarnecki (University of Warsaw (PL)), Rebeca Gonzalez Suarez (Uppsala University (SE)), Roberto Franceschini (Rome 3 U.)
    • 1
      Overview of composite Higgs models
      Speaker: Dr Mikael Chala (University of Granada)
    • 2
      Summary of prompt scalar searches at ILC and CLIC
      Speaker: Aleksander Zarnecki (University of Warsaw (PL))
    • 3
      Long-lived scalars from exotic Higgs decays at FCCee
      Speaker: Ulrika Magdalena Vande Voorde
    • 4
      Hidden Valley searches at CLIC
      Speaker: Mateusz Jacek Goncerz (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
    • 10:30
      Coffee break
    • 5
      Low mass scalars at future lepton colliders
      Speaker: Tania Natalie Robens (Rudjer Boskovic Institute (HR))
    • 6
      Light scalars at e+e- colliders
      Speaker: Sven Heinemeyer (CSIC (Madrid, ES))
    • 7
      Indications for new scalars and their relevance for future e+e- machines
      Speakers: Francois Richard (IJCLab Orsay), Francois Richard (IJCLab Orsay)
    • 8
      Speaker: Roberto Franceschini (Rome 3 U.)