6–10 Nov 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone

Beyond Kinematics: Generating Jets with Particle-ID and Trajectory Displacement Information

7 Nov 2023, 11:30
Main Auditorium (DESY)

Main Auditorium



Joschka Valentin Maria Birk


In this talk, we introduce a method for efficiently generating jets in the field of High Energy Physics.
Our model is designed to generate ten different types of jets, expanding the versatility of
jet generation techniques.
Beyond the kinematic features of the jet constituents, our model also excels in generating
informative features that provide insight into the types of jet constituents, such as features
which indicate if a constituent is an electron or a photon, offering a more comprehensive
understanding of the generated jets. Furthermore, our model incorporates valuable impact
parameter information, enhancing its potential utility in high energy physics research.


Presentation materials