6–10 Nov 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone

Scalable neural network models and terascale datasets for particle-flow reconstruction

6 Nov 2023, 17:30
Main Auditorium (DESY)

Main Auditorium



Joosep Pata (National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics (EE))


We study scalable machine learning models for full event reconstruction in high-energy electron-positron collisions based on a highly granular detector simulation. Particle-flow (PF) reconstruction can be formulated as a supervised learning task using tracks and calorimeter clusters or hits. We compare a graph neural network and kernel-based transformer and demonstrate that both avoid quadratic memory allocation and computational cost while achieving realistic PF reconstruction. We show that hyperparameter tuning on a supercomputer significantly improves the physics performance of the models. We also demonstrate that the resulting model is highly portable across hardware processors, supporting Nvidia, AMD, and Intel Habana cards. Finally, we demonstrate that the model can be trained on highly granular inputs consisting of tracks and calorimeter hits, resulting in a competitive physics performance with the baseline. Datasets and software to reproduce the studies are published following the findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) principles.


David Southwick (CERN) Eric Wulff (CERN) Farouk Mokhtar (Univ. of California San Diego (US)) Javier Mauricio Duarte (Univ. of California San Diego (US)) Joosep Pata (National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics (EE)) Dr Maria Girone (CERN) Michael Zhang

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