6–10 Nov 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone

Returning CP-Observables to the Frames they Belong

8 Nov 2023, 16:15
Main Auditorium (DESY)

Main Auditorium



Jona Ackerschott


Optimal kinematic observables are often defined in specific frames and then approximated at the reconstruction level. We show how multi-dimensional unfolding methods allow us to reconstruct these observables in their proper rest frame and in a probabilistically faithful way. We illustrate our approach with a measurement of a CP-phase in the top Yukawa coupling. Our method makes use of key advantages of generative unfolding, but as a constructed observable it fits into standard LHC analysis frameworks.


Jona Ackerschott Rahool Kumar Barman (Oklahoma State University) Theo Heimel (Heidelberg University) Tilman Plehn dorival Gonçalves (Oklahoma State University)

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