HSF-India Training event at TIFR
This event has already happened... All materials can be found at https://github.com/hsf-india-may2023
People are the key to successful software. The HSF-India project aims to promote the development of international research software collaborations. This is the first in a series of training workshops for software and data analysis skills essential for doing research software in physics. Our curriculum builds upon the successful series of training workshops.
This workshop will specifically cover
- Scientific Python
- GPU programming
- Basics of machine learning
- Using JAX in Physics
This event is organized primarily for students from Mumbai and the surrounding region. However, anyone is welcome to attend. Learn more about the HSF-India project at http://research-software-collaborations.org.
Join our Slack channel: https://join.slack.com/t/cern-pdj4064/shared_invite/zt-1u8of1chf-g92KwaY79Ew93UPkszt15Q
Introduce yourself by adding a slide here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1QxlS5zTZW2LCaBJDhJO_fn6k8274gNpqFzuZaObm55A/edit#slide=id.p