5:30 PM
Collectivity in small collisions systems (soft probes) - Experimental overview
Debojit Sarkar
(Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
5:50 PM
Building a fluid particle by particle: Real time imaging of the emergent hydrodynamic behavior of few strongly-interacting fermions
Giuliano Giacalone
(Universität Heidelberg)
6:05 PM
Applicability of hydrodynamics in small and large systems
Victor Ambrus
(West University of Timișoara)
Victor Eugen Ambrus
(West University of Timisoara (RO))
6:20 PM
Recent Flow Results from STAR Experiment at RHIC
Vinh Luong
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
6:35 PM
Assessing the ultracentral flow puzzle in hydrodynamic modeling of heavy-ion collisions
Andre Veiga Giannini
6:50 PM
Scaling behaviour of dN/dy in high energy collisions
Gábor Kasza
7:00 PM
Correlations of wave intensities and particle numbers - before dinner talk
Sandor Varro