52nd International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD 2023)
The 52nd edition of the International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics will take place at the Károly Róbert Campus of MATE in Gyöngyös, Hungary.
The topics of the 52th ISMD in Gyöngyös, Hungary will include the followings:
- Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets, flows, ...
- Cosmic ray and astroparticle physics
- Femtoscopy
- Forward physics: Diffraction, Odderon and Pomeron
- Hadronic final states in high pT interactions
- Multiparticle correlations and fluctuations
- Proton structure, small-x and large-x physics
- Physics of X17 and other beyond standard model states
- Other important new developments in HEP
- Science outreach (in Tokaj on August 26, Saturday)
The arrival date is August 20, 2023 (Sunday).
The scientific sessions will start in the morning of August 21, 2023 (Monday) and will be completed on August 25, Friday. On August 26, Saturday, ISMD 2023 will be followed by a post-conference tour (with science outreach presentations) to Eger and Tokaj, traditionally some of the best wine regions in Hungary.
The meeting will consist of plenary talks and posters, but all the accepted poster presentations will also be presented in plenary flash talks. In order to inspire discussions, the poster session will be coupled with wine tasting.
In-person participation is encouraged by traditional Hungarian hospitality. However, online participation is also welcomed from all over the world.
The short URL is https://indico.cern.ch/e/ismd23 .
Normal registration has been closed on July 10, 2023. Late registration is possible, for slightly increased costs, up to August 7, 2023, but housing in Hotel Avar (****) is not anymore granted. The reduced cost of Hotel Avar (****) is still offered to the ISMD participants if free rooms are available (please cross-check with the hotel directly for late registrations).
The late registration fee is 210 kHUF, approximately 500 EUR, depending also on exchange rate of course (as the price is fixed in HUF). Payment deadline for this is August 7, 2023 (for wire transfers), which coincides with the deadline for late registrations. Note that on-side payment in cash is possible and the registered participants will be informed about their balances in due time, by about August 10, 2023
Invitations for outstanding new results are closing on July 31. If you feel you have outstanding new results that should be invited, please contact the organizers (chair, co-chair or scientific secretary of ISMD23).
Late registration closes on August 7.
The late registration fee will 210 kHUF, approximately 500 EUR, valid for any payment after July 7, and also for on-site payments (in cash only, for credit card withdrawals, an ATM is available within 200 m from the conference site). Note that registration for in-person participation is extended up to August 7.
Students are particularly encouraged to apply, a limited amount of sponsored registration fee is avaiable for them, with a 40-50% discount, to be requested upon registration (a letter from the supervisor has to be attached to the registration). This reduction aims at encouraging participation by PhD and advanced MSc students
Both the normal and the late registration fee for supported students (or specially invited participants) is the same, 115 kHUF, approx 300 EUR..
The registration fee for online participation is 15 kHUF, approximately 40 EUR, to contribute to the cost of the organization.
Registration payments shall be made to:
- Account owner: Gyöngyösi Felsőoktatásért Alapítvány
- English name of owner: Foundation for Higher Education in Gyöngyös
- Address of account owner: H-3200 Gyöngyös, Puskin utca 3.2/18, Hungary
- IBAN: HU92 10700299 71140852 51100005
- Name of the bank: CIB Bank Zrt.,
- Address of bank: H-3200 Gyöngyös, Szent Bertalan utca 1., Hungary
The post-conference excursion to Eger and Tokaj includes a science outreach event and the cost of participation in this excursion will be 50 kHUF, approximately 130 EUR.
Bus transportation from the Ferenc Liszt Airport, Budapest to the conference hotels in Gyöngyös region will be organized if there is sufficient interest (about 50%) , the costs are foreseen to be 5 kHUF in one direction (about 13 EUR). Note that Gyöngyös area is very well connected to Budapest, on the M3 highway, public bus and train transportation is also available, but the direct ISMD bus transport seems to be the ideal (less than 1 hour after departure) solution for the transportation to the airport.
Both online and physically present participants are strongly encouraged to participate in the whole meeting, by ask questions, making comments and be active in discussions. This is particularly relevant for student participants.
Experimentalists are kindly requested to address the theoretical community, in particular present experimental results, that can be calculated. Theorists are kindly requested to calculate results that can be measured. Discussions among different fields of multiparticle producion will also be encouraged and inspired.
Housing is to be reserved by the participants. Promotion codes for special ISMD prices are arranged for the two recommended nearby hotels:
Hotel Avar (Mátrafüred, **** superior) and the
Károly Róbert Hotel (**) both located in Gyöngyös, Hungary.
The promotion code is sent by by e-mail to your address after you have completed and submitted (but not necessarily paid) your on-line registration form to ISMD 2023, using the leftmost menu or directly this link.
Last updated by T. Cs. on July 11, 2023.
Opening section
Opening of ISMD 2023
Chair of ISMD 2023
Speaker: Prof. Tamas Csorgo (MATE Institute of Technology Karoly Robert Campus (HU)) -
Welcome to MATE Károly Róbert Campus
by Director General of MATE Károly Róbert Campus
Speaker: Dr Zoltán Bujdosó (MATE Károly Róbert Campus)
Collectivity in high energy collisions: Jets and flows: A
Chair will be online, local assistant chair will be R. Vértesi
Convener: Kyoichiro Ozawa (University of Tokyo (JP))-
Elliptic flow in small collisional systems
15 min +5 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Prof. Shu-yi Wei (Shandong University) -
Measurements of strange and multi-strange hadrons elliptic flow in isobar collisions at RHIC by STAR
online talk, 12+3 min for discussions
Speaker: Dr Vipul Bairathi (Instituto de Alta Investigación, Universidad de Tarapacá) -
Understanding the effect of strangeness and electric charge on the NCQ scaling of directed flow
12+3 min for discussions, online talk
Speaker: Dr Kishora Nayak -
Measurement of azimuthal anisotropy using new event categorization with multiplicity at PHENIX
12+3 min for discussions, online talk
Speaker: Dr Maya Shimomura (Nara Women's University (JP)) -
Global polarization of Lambda hyperons in heavy ion collisions: tilted bulk medium, velocity field and its correlation with directed flow
12+3 min for discussions, online talk
Speaker: Dr Zefang Jiang -
First-order event plane correlated directed and triangular flow from fixed-target energies at RHIC-STAR
on-site student talk: 8 min + 2 min for discussions.
Partially supported by an EMMI grant to ISMD 2023.
10:30 AM
Coffee break
Cosmic ray and astroparticle physics: AConvener: Charles Timmermans
The latest results of the Telescope Array experiment
15+5 min for discussions, on-site presentation
Partially supported by an EMMI grant to ISMD 2023.
Speaker: Dr Eiji Kido (RIKEN Cluster for Pioneering Research) -
Cosmology from strong interactionsSpeaker: Dr Michal Sumbera (Nuclear Physics Institute, Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (CZ))
Fixed-target measurements contributing to cosmic rays studies
15+5 min for discussions, online talk
Speaker: Dr Saverio Mariani (CERN) -
Implications of $|\mathrm{U}_{\mu i}| = |\mathrm{U}_{\tau i}|$ in the canonical seesaw mechanism
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk.
Partially supported by an EMMI grant to ISMD 2023.
Speaker: Mr Jianlong Lu (National University of Singapore) -
Dark Matter and the W Mass
12+3 min for discussions, online talk
Speaker: Dr Noah Bray-Ali (Mount Saint Mary's University-Los Angeles)
12:30 PM
Lunch break
Femtoscopy: AConvener: Wesley Metzger (Radboud University)
Collision energy dependence of source sizes for primary and secondary pions at NICA energies
15+5 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Prof. Alejandro Ayala (Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico) -
Femtoscopy with Lévy sources from SPS through RHIC to LHC
15+5 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Prof. Mate Csanad (Eotvos University, Budapest) -
Study of the Bose–Einstein correlations in proton-proton and proton-lead collisions at LHCb
15+5 min for discussion, on-site talk
Speaker: Prof. Marcin Kucharczyk (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL)) -
Two-pion Bose-Einstein correlations in Au+Au collisions at 3 GeV in the STAR experiment
12+3 min for discussions, on-site contribution
Speakers: Ms Anna Kraeva, Ms Anna Kraeva (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (RU))
3:20 PM
Coffee break
Forward Physics: Diffraction, Pomeron and Odderon: AConvener: Christophe Royon (The University of Kansas (US))
Forward proton tagging in ATLAS – status of detectors and new physics results
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Dr Rafał Staszewski (IFJ PAN Cracow (PL)) -
Hunting for QCD Instantons at the LHC in the Forward Proton mode
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Prof. Valery Khoze (University of Durham (GB)) -
Strong Interactions at High Energy: 100 Years of Inquiery
12+3 min for discussions, online talk
Speaker: Prof. Vladimir Petrov (Institute for High Energy Physics of NRC Kurchatov Institute (RU)) -
The Pomeron spin structure and new data in the CNI region
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Prof. Boris Kopeliovich -
Strangeness production in double gap events in ALICE
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Prof. Rainer Schicker (Heidelberg University (DE)) -
On dip-bump structures in proton diffractive dissociation at the LHC
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Prof. Laszlo Jenkovszky -
Anomalous kaon correlations in Pb-Pb collisions at LHC: melting and refreezing of QCD vacuum
12+3 min for discussions, online talk.
Actually this talk is the beginning of the section on Multiparticle Correlations and Fluctuations, to be continued on Tuesday, CET 11:00. but it is diffiult to indicate it otherwise on Indico.
Speaker: Prof. Joseph Kapusta
6:00 PM
Welcome dinner at Károly Róbert Restaurant (on Campus)
Hadronic final states in high pT interactions: AConvener: Prof. Thomas Trainor
Observation of the dead cone effect in charm and bottom quark jets and its QCD explanation
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Prof. Stefan Kluth (Max Planck Society (DE)) -
Recent J/ψ results measured with PHENIX
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Dr Tamas Novak -
J/Psi hadroproduction with color reconnection effect
12+3 min for discussions, online talk
Speaker: Dr Piotr Kotko (AGH UST) -
Readiness for physics data taking of sPHENIX experiment at RHIC
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Dr Itaru Nakagawa (RIKEN) -
Initial stages and QGP anisotropy constrained through high-pt data
8+2 min for discussion, on-site talk.
Partially supported by an EMMI grant to ISMD 2023.
Speaker: Mr Stefan Stojku -
New measurements of charged jet fragmentation properties in pp and p−Pb collisions with ALICE
8+2 min for discussions, on-site talk.
Partially supported by an EMMI grant to ISMD 2023.
Speaker: Mr Zoltan Varga (Wigner Research Centre for Physics (Wigner RCP) (HU)) -
Deep learning assisted unbinned measurements of jet substructure observables
8+2 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Dr Radek Zlebcik (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
10:30 AM
Coffee break
Multiparticle correlations and fluctuations: AConvener: Prof. Alejandro Ayala (Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico)
Exploring strongly interacting matter in heavy-ion collisions
15+5 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Prof. Masakiyo Kitazawa -
Thermal model interpretation of particle production in pp interactions around $\sqrt{s}\simeq$10 GeV
15+5 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Prof. Tomek Matulewicz (University of Warsaw (PL)) -
Experimental study of finite density matter at J-PARC
15+5 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Prof. Kyoichiro Ozawa -
Recent developments in angular correlations of identified particles (experiment & theory)
12+3 min online talk
Speaker: Dr Lukasz Kamil Graczykowski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL)) -
Forward-backward correlations with the Σ quantity in the wounded-constituent framework ..
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Dr Iwona Anna Sputowska (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
12:30 PM
Lunch break
Proton structure, small-x and large-x physics: AConvener: Prof. Carlos Contreras Hidalgo
Mueller Navelet and Mueller Tang processes at the LHC
12+3 min on-site talk
Speaker: Prof. Christophe Royon (The University of Kansas (US)) -
Direct photon cross section and double-helicity asymmetry measurement at PHENIX
12+3 min for discussions, online talk
Speaker: Dr Sanghwa Park (Jefferson Lab) -
Small-$x$ Helicity Evolution and Recent Developments
12+3 min for discussion, on-site talk
Speaker: Dr Yossathorn Tawabutr (University of Jyväskylä) -
Twist decomposition of non-linear effects in Balitsky-Kovchegov evolution ...
12+3 min for discussions, online talk
Speaker: Prof. Mariusz Sadzikowski -
Nuclear parton distribution functions
12+3 min for discussions, online talk
Speaker: Prof. Aleksander Kusina -
The $p^\uparrow$ and $^3$He$^\uparrow$ beam polarization measurements at RHIC and future EICSpeaker: Dr Andrei Poblaguev (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
3:30 PM
Coffee break
Physics of X17 and other beyond standard model states: A
Chairs and conveners: Prof. M.. Raggi and Prof. A. Krasznahorkay
Convener: Prof. Mauro Raggi (LNF INFN)-
An Update on the Hypothetical X17 Particle
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk
Partial support of this talk by MVM NPP, Paks, Hungary, https://atomeromu.mvm.hu/en/
is greatfully acknowledged by the Organizers of ISMD 2023.Speaker: Prof. Attila Janos Krasznahorkay (Eötvös Loránd Research Network (HU)) -
Confirmation the 8Be anomaly with a different spectrometer.
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk.
Partially supported by an EMMI grant to ISMD 2023.
Speaker: Dr The Anh Tran (VNU University of Sciences.) -
The X17 search with the MEG-II apparatus
12+3 min for discussions, online talk
Speaker: Dr Hicham Benmansour -
Observation of structures at ∼17 and ∼38 MeV/c2 in the γγ invariant mass spectra in pC, dC, and dCu collisionsSpeaker: Dr Khachik Abraamyan
QED meson description of the anomalous particles and the X17 particleSpeaker: Prof. Cheuk-Yin Wong (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
BSM physics using photon-photon fusion processes in UPC in Pb+Pb collisions with ATLAS
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Dr Klaudia Maj (AGH University of Krakow (PL))
5:30 PM
Short coffee break
Flash talks/5 min oral presentations of posters: A
Best poster award is offered by the MDPI Journal Universe
Convener: Prof. Mate Csanad (Eotvos University, Budapest)-
Pion interferometry with Levy sources in sqrt(s(NN))= 200 GeV Au+Au Collisions at STAR
A certificate of recognition and a financial prize of 200 CHF, sponsored by the MDPI Journal Universe has been awarded to this flash talk and poster presentation at ISMD 23. The selection has been done by the International and Regional Advisory Committees of ISMD and the winner has been announced at the closing of the conference to be
Mr. Dániel Kincses Ph.D. (Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary)
for his current flash/poster talk entitled
Pion interferometry with Levy sources in sqrt(s(NN))= 200 GeV Au+Au Collisions at STAR
A copy of the recognition (without original signatures) is attached as a supplementary material to the materials of this presentation.
Flash talk, 4+1 min for discussions, with a poster presentation.
Poster size is B1 = 707 × 1000 (widthxheight) mm, in portait orientation.Flash talk speakers are asked to prepare 4 powerpoint slides and upload them to indico
until Tuesday morning. These slides will then be merged into one pdf stream, and
presenters will follow each other without any break, with everyone having 5
minutes, including one question and answer, and the speaker change as well. min for discussions, on-site contribution.Updated by T. Csörgő on November 6, 2023.
Speaker: Dr Dániel Kincses (Eötvös Loránd University) -
New Quark Matter Card Games (1): Interactions of elementary particles
Flash talk, 4+1 min for discussions, with a possible poster presentation.
Poster size is B1 = 707 × 1000 (widthxheight) mm, in portait orientation.Flash talk speakers are asked to prepare 4 powerpoint slides and upload them to indico
until Tuesday morning. These slides will then be merged into one pdf stream, and
presenters will follow each other without any break, with everyone having 5
minutes, including one question and answer, and the speaker change as well.Speaker: Ms Ana Uzelac -
New Quark Matter Card Games (2): The Eightfold Path
Flash talk, 4+1 min for discussions, with a possible poster presentation.
Poster size is B1 = 707 × 1000 (widthxheight) mm, in portait orientation.Flash talk speakers are asked to prepare 4 powerpoint slides and upload them to indico
until Tuesday morning. These slides will then be merged into one pdf stream, and
presenters will follow each other without any break, with everyone having 5
minutes, including one question and answer, and the speaker change as well.Speaker: Ms Ana Uzelac -
Estimating elliptic flow coefficient in heavy ion collisions using deep learning
Flash talk, 4+1 min for discussions, with a possible poster presentation.
Poster size is B1 = 707 × 1000 (widthxheight) mm, in portait orientation.Flash talk speakers are asked to prepare 4 powerpoint slides and upload them to indico
until Tuesday morning. These slides will then be merged into one pdf stream, and
presenters will follow each other without any break, with everyone having 5
minutes, including one question and answer, and the speaker change as well.Speaker: Mr Neelkamal Mallick (Indian Institute of Technology Indore) -
The Future of Quantum Supercomputing and Space
Flash talk, 4+1 min for discussions, with a possible poster presentation.
Poster size is B1 = 707 × 1000 (widthxheight) mm, in portait orientation.Flash talk speakers are asked to prepare 4 powerpoint slides and upload them to indico
until Tuesday morning. These slides will then be merged into one pdf stream, and
presenters will follow each other without any break, with everyone having 5
minutes, including one question and answer, and the speaker change as well.Speaker: Mr Cameron Ikin (Capricorne Spatial Agence) -
Jet-medium interactions through vortex ring formation inside the QGP
4+1 min flash/poster talk
Speaker: Mr Vítor Hugo Ribeiro -
Forward-Backward multiplicity analysis and cluster formation in pp collisions at \sqrt{s} = 0.9, 7 and 8 TeV from the CMS experiment
Flash/poster talk, 4+1 min for discussions
Poster size is B1 = 707 × 1000 (widthxheight) mm, in portait orientation.Flash talk speakers are asked to prepare 4 powerpoint slides and upload them to indico
until Tuesday morning. These slides will then be merged into one pdf stream, and
presenters will follow each other without any break, with everyone having 5
minutes, including one question and answer, and the speaker change as well.Speaker: Dr Zongjin Ong
Poster section with wine tasting
partially sponsored by the Maróti Winery, Visonta, Hungary
Important new developments in HEP: AConvener: Su Houng Lee
Dilepton Measurement and Future Possibilities at J-PARC
12+3 min for discussion, on-site talk
Speaker: Prof. Megumi Naruki -
QCD mesonic screening masses: Beyond perturbative study
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Dr Najmul Haque (NISER, India) -
Heavy mesons in mediumSpeaker: Prof. György Wolf
Track baryon number with heavy ion collisions
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Prof. Zebo Tang (University of Science and Technology of China (CN)) -
Small system QGP: Observations and Challenges
12+3 min for discussion, online talk
Speaker: Prof. Raghunath Sahoo (Indian Institute of Technology Indore (IN)) -
Initial stages through high-pt theory and data
12+3 min for discussions, online talk
Speaker: Prof. Magdalena Djordjevic
10:30 AM
Coffee break
Forward Physics: Diffraction, Pomeron and Odderon: BConvener: Prof. Rainer Schicker (Heidelberg University (DE))
Pomerons Interactions
15+5 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Prof. Carlos Contreras Hidalgo -
Central Exclusive Production at LHCb
15+5 min for discussions, online talk
Speaker: Prof. Tomasz Szumlak (AGH University of Krakow (PL)) -
Vector Glueballs in Holographic QCD
12+3 min for discussions, online talk
Speaker: Dr Florian Hechenberger -
Physics with tagged forward protons in proton-proton collisions at RHIC
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Dr Wlodek Guryn -
Recent results from CMS PPSSpeaker: Prof. Christophe Royon (The University of Kansas (US))
12:25 PM
Lunch break
Collectivity in high energy collisions: Jets and flows: B
Chair will be online, local assistant chair will be R. Vértesi
Convener: Sonia Kabana (Instituto De Alta Investigación, Universidad de Tarapacá (CL))-
Nuclear modification factors and the Cronin effect
15+5 min for discussion, on-site talk
Speaker: Prof. Thomas Trainor (University of Washington, Seattle) -
The smallest drop of QGP: thermodynamic properties of p-Pb collisions
12+3 min for discussions, online talk
Speaker: Dr Fernando Gardim (Federal University of Alfenas) -
Simulating heavy-ion collisions at BES energies
12+3 min for discussions, online talk
Speaker: Dr Mayank Singh (University of Minnesota) -
Study of η/s through high-p⊥ tomography
12+3 min for discussions, on-site presentation
Partially supported by an EMMI grant to ISMD 2023.
Speaker: Dr Bithika Karmakar (Institute of Physics Belgrade) -
Recent results on jets and collective phenomena in ALICE experiment
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Dr Marek Bombara (Pavol Jozef Safarik University (SK)) -
Recent Jet Measurements in Pb-Pb Collisions with ALICE
Partially supported by an EMMI grant to ISMD 2023.
Winner of the best young speaker prize at ISMD23.
A certificate of recognition and a financial prize of 200 CHF, sponsored by the MDPI Journal Universe has been awarded to the best presentation at ISMD 23. Candidates for this prize included students and postdocs without permanent jobs. The selection has been done by the International and Regional Advisory Committees of ISMD and the winner has been announced at the closing of the conference:
Ms. Archita Rani Dash Ph.D. (University of Münster, Münster, Germany)
for her talk entitled
Recent Jet Measurements in Pb-Pb Collisions with ALICE
has been selected as the best junior speaker of the MDPI Journal Universe at ISMD 2023.
Detailed description: 8+2 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Dr Archita Rani Dash (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster)
3:30 PM
7:30 PM
Excursion dinner
Cosmic ray and astroparticle physics: BConvener: Dr Eiji Kido (RIKEN Cluster for Pioneering Research)
Glueball Dark Matter
15+5 min for discussions, on-site presentation
Speaker: Prof. Roman Pasechnik (Lund university) -
The status of the GRAND experiment
15+5 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Prof. Charles Timmermans -
Highlights from the Pierre Auger Observatory
15+5 min for discussions, online talk
Speaker: Prof. Serguei Vorobiov (University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia) -
Ultra-high-energy hadronic physics at the Pierre Auger Observatory
12+3 min for discussions, online talk
Speaker: Dr Jan Ebr (Institute of Physics, Prague) -
Pacific Ocean Neutrino Experiment (P-ONE): status and development
13+2 min for discussions, online talk
Speaker: Dr Pawel Malecki (INP PAS Kraków, PL)
10:30 AM
Coffee break
Femtoscopy: BConvener: Prof. Marcin Kucharczyk (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
Heavy-ion stopping and limiting-fragmentation scaling
12+3 min for discussions, on-site contribution
Speaker: Prof. Georg Wolschin -
Relativistic spin-(magneto)hydrodynamics
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Dr Amaresh Jaiswal (National Institute of Science Education and Research) -
Event-by-event investigation of the two-particle source function in 2.76 TeV PbPb collisions with EPOS
12+3 min for discussions, online talk
Speaker: Mr Balazs Korodi (Eotvos Lorand University (HU) and The Ohio State University (USA)) -
ALICE upgrade with Forward Calorimeter - exploring CGC and ultimately low-x region
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Prof. Ken Oyama (Nagasaki Inst. of Applied Science (JP)) -
Femtoscopy for the NAPLIFE nano-fusion project?
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Prof. Laszlo Pal Csernai (University of Bergen) -
Measurement of Two-Particle Correlations and Flow Coefficients in High Multiplicity e+e- Collisions Using Archived ALEPH Data at 91-209 GeV
12+3 min for discussions, online talk
Speaker: Ms Yu-Chen (Janice) Chen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
12:30 PM
Shortened lunch break
Forward Physics: Diffraction, Pomeron and Odderon: CConvener: Prof. Roman Pasechnik (Lund university)
Cross-checking Odderon signals at small values of four-momentum transfer
12+3 min for discussion, on-site talk
Speaker: Prof. Tamas Csorgo (MATE Institute of Technology Karoly Robert Campus (HU)) -
Lévy alpha-stable model for the non-exponential low-|t| proton-proton differential cross section
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk.
Speaker: Mr Istvan Szanyi (Eötvös University, Wigner RCP, MATE KRC) -
Model independent Odderon results based on new TOTEM data at 8 TeV
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Mr Andras Ster (Wigner RCP, Budapest) -
D0-TOTEM Odderon observation: an update
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Prof. Kenneth Osterberg (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI)) -
Recent results from the TOTEM experiment
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Dr Frigyes Janos Nemes (CERN (also at Wigner RCP Budapest, Hungary)) -
Structure of the real amplitude in forward pp scattering at the LHC
12+3 min for discussions, online talk
Speaker: Dr Anderson Kendi (UFRJ-Brazil)
3:30 PM
MINI coffee break
Hadronic final states in high pT interactions: BConvener: Dr Rafał Staszewski (IFJ PAN Cracow (PL))
Heavy flavor and quarkonia from experiments at RHIC
12+3 min for discussions, planned as an on-site talk, but realized as an online talk.
Speaker: Prof. Sonia Kabana (Instituto De Alta Investigación, Universidad de Tarapacá (CL)) -
Jets in hot nuclear matter
12+3 min for discussions, online talk
Speaker: Dr Adam Takacs (Heidelberg University) -
DREENA: A State-of-the-Art Tomography Framework for Unveiling the Properties of Quark-Gluon Plasma
8+2 min for discussions, on-site presentation.
Partially supported by an EMMI grant to ISMD 2023.
Speaker: Mr Dusan Zigic (Institute of Physics Belgrade) -
Heavy flavor physics at the sPHENIX experiment
12+3 min for discussions, online talk
Speaker: Dr Zhaozhong Shi (Los Alamos National Laboratory) -
Centrality bias or final state effects ? --study of high pT π0 in d+Au collisions at 200 GeV
8+2 min for discussions, on-site presentation
Speaker: Mr Zhandong Sun -
Nuclear modification factor of inclusive charged particles in Au+Au collisions at √sN N = 27 GeV with the STAR experiment
12+3 min for discussion, on-site presentation
Speaker: Mr Alisher Aitbayev
5:10 PM
Small coffee break
Collectivity in high energy collisions: Jets and flows: C
Chair will be online, local assistant chair will be R. Vértesi
Convener: Prof. Georg Wolschin-
Collectivity in small collisions systems (soft probes) - Experimental overview
15+5 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Dr Debojit Sarkar (Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark) -
Building a fluid particle by particle: Real time imaging of the emergent hydrodynamic behavior of few strongly-interacting fermions
12+3 min for discussions, online talk
Speaker: Dr Giuliano Giacalone (Universität Heidelberg) -
Applicability of hydrodynamics in small and large systems
12+3 min for discussion, online talk
Speakers: Dr Victor Ambrus (West University of Timișoara), Victor Eugen Ambrus (West University of Timisoara (RO)) -
Recent Flow Results from STAR Experiment at RHIC
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Mr Vinh Luong (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) -
Assessing the ultracentral flow puzzle in hydrodynamic modeling of heavy-ion collisions
12+3 min for discussions, online talk
Speaker: Dr Andre Veiga Giannini -
Scaling behaviour of dN/dy in high energy collisions
8+2 min for discussions, on-site presentation
Speaker: Mr Gábor Kasza -
Correlations of wave intensities and particle numbers - before dinner talk
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Prof. Sandor Varro
7:30 PM
Gala Dinner
with Hungarian folklore programme of the Tomory Ensemble (Gyöngyös).
Meeting of the ISMD Board of Elders: Meeting of the Board of Elders of ISMD
icon="lock" caption="Join" meeting-title="52nd ISMD 2023 - Closed meeting of the Board of Elders" meeting-data-html=" <div class="ui list"> <div class="item"> <div class="header">Zoom Meeting ID</div> 64784401176 </div> <div class="item"> <div class="header">Description</div> Closed meeting of the ISMD Board of Elders. For a zoom connection, please contact T. Csorgo, csorgo.physics@gmail.com or Stefan Kluth, the Chair of the Board. </div> <div class="item"> <div class="header">Host</div> Tamas Csorgo </div> <div class="item"> <div class="header">Useful links</div> <a href="https://videoconference.docs.cern.ch/zoom-meetings/#joining-a-zoom-meeting-by-phone-dial-in-call-out" target="_blank"> Join via phone </a> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="header">Zoom URL</div> <div class="i-has-action"> <input id="clipboard-b28d0c96-3db9-491a-b7c3-3cac7c2fb467" name="vc-room-url-854912" type="text" value="https://cern.zoom.us/j/64784401176" readonly><button type="button" class="i-button icon-clipboard js-copy-to-clipboard" title="Copy URL to clipboard" data-clipboard-target="#clipboard-b28d0c96-3db9-491a-b7c3-3cac7c2fb467"></button> </div> <span class="i-has-action-message icon-checkmark"></span> </div> </div>" > Convener: Prof. Stefan Kluth (Max Planck Society (DE))
Multiparticle correlations and fluctuations: BConvener: Prof. Megumi Naruki
Diquarks and heavy hadron production in heavy ion collisions
15+5 min for discussion, on-site contribution
Speaker: Prof. Su Houng Lee -
Methods and Results on Conserved-Charge Fluctuations from RHIC-BES and FXT
15+5 min for discussiions, on-site talk.
Partially supported by an EMMI grant to ISMD 2023.
Speaker: Dr Toshihiro Nonaka (University of Tsukuba) -
Multiparton picture of harmonic flow decorrelation in rapidity in pp collisions at the LHC
15+5 min for discussions, on-sitet talk
Speaker: Prof. Wojciech Broniowski -
A quantum generalization of the Cooper-Frye formula
12+3 min online talk
Speaker: Dr Dmitry Anchishkin (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP)) -
Search for New Physics with Multiparticle Correlations and Cosmological Analogies
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Prof. Edward Sarkisyan-Grinbaum (University of Texas at Arlington (US))
10:30 AM
Coffee break
Proton structure, small-x and large-x physics: BConvener: Byungsik Hong (Korea University (KR))
Excess of low-kT photons: the puzzle lasting four decades
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Prof. Boris Kopeliovich -
The role of the underlying event in the heavy-flavor baryon enhancement
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk.
Partial support of this talk by MVM NPP, Paks, Hungary, https://atomeromu.mvm.hu/en/
is greatfully acknowledged by the Organizers of ISMD 2023.Speaker: Dr Robert Vertesi (Wigner Research Centre for Physics (Wigner RCP) (HU)) -
New H1 measurements of event shape observables in DIS
12+3 min for discussion, on-site talk
Speaker: Dr Radek Zlebcik (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) -
Pion screening mass in a magnetized medium
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Mr Javier Jesus Rendon -
BSQ Hydrodynamics and Challenges with a 4D Equation of State
12+3 min online talk
Speaker: Dr Christopher Plumberg (Pepperdine University) -
Recent results on Jet-medium interaction at RHICSpeaker: Dr NIHAR RANJAN Sahoo (Texas A&M University)
12:30 PM
Lunch break
Physics of X17 and other beyond standard model states: B
Chairs and conveners: Prof. M.. Raggi and Prof. A. Krasznahorkay
Convener: Attila Krasznahorkay (Institute of Nuclear Research, Atomki)-
Collider Searches for X17 and Other Light Gauge Bosons
12+3 min for discussions, online talk
Speaker: Prof. Jonathan Lee Feng (University of California Irvine (US)) -
Search for the resonant X17 boson production in PADME Run III
12+3 min for discussion, on-site talk
Speakers: Mauro Raggi, Mauro Raggi, Prof. Mauro Raggi (LNF INFN) -
Searching for the X17 boson with magnetic selection
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Prof. Tibor Kibedi (Australian National University) -
Searches for new physics in the Higgs sector at ATLAS
12+3 min for discussions, online talk
Speaker: Dr Anna Kaczmarska (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL)) -
The construction of the X17 spectrometer at CTU in Prague
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Dr Hugo Natal Da Luz (Czech Technical University in Prague) -
Proposal for an electromagnetic mass formula for the X17 particle
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Prof. Sandor Varro
3:30 PM
Coffee break
Important new developments in HEP: BConvener: Dr Wlodek Guryn
Overview of underground and ion accelerator facilities for nuclear physics in Asia
15+5 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Prof. Byungsik Hong (Korea University (KR)) -
MUonE experiment
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Dr Mateusz Jacek Goncerz (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL)) -
Electromagnetic radiation in ALICE at the LHC
12+3 min for discussions, online talk
Speaker: Prof. Daiki Sekihata (University of Tokyo (JP)) -
Non prompt J/psi production as a function of multiplicity in pp collision at 13 TeV with ALICE experiment
12+3 min for discussions, online talk
Speaker: Mr Wenda Guo (Central China Normal University CCNU (CN)) -
Phenomenological Equation of State of Strongly Interacting Matter with Modified Excluded-Volume Mechanism
8+2 min for discussions, online talk
Speaker: Mr Oleksandr Vitiuk (University of Wroclaw (PL)) -
Relativistic two-particle problem in the Lagrange formalism
12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk
Speaker: Dr Andrew Koshelkin -
Closing of ISMD 2023 and the future of ISMDSpeaker: Prof. Stefan Kluth (Max Planck Society (DE))
8:00 AM
Excursion to Eger
12:00 PM
Lunch in Eger
Ködmön Csárda, Szépasszony Völgy, Eger, Hungary
2:00 PM
Excursion to Tokaj, Hungary
Science Outreach (outreach to secondary schools)Convener: Prof. Alejandro Ayala (Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico)
Science outreach with cosmic rays in the NetherlandsSpeaker: Prof. Charles Timmermans
Standard Model of Particle Physics and Rubik's 4x4x4 cubeSpeaker: Prof. Tamás Csörgő (MATE Institute of Technology Karoly Robert Campus (HU))
The Large Hadron Collider and the structure of the protonSpeaker: Prof. Christophe Royon (The University of Kansas (US))
New physics – what it is and how we are looking for itSpeaker: Prof. Rafał Staszewski (IFJ PAN Cracow (PL))
Find your own Odderon!Speaker: Ms Georgina Zsóri (Berze Secondary Grammar School, Gyöngyös, Hungary)
6:00 PM
Dinner, Patrícius Estate, Tokaj, Hungary
8:00 PM
Back to Gyöngyös, Hungary by 22:00
8:00 AM