52nd International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD 2023)



H-3200 Gyöngyös, Mátrai út 36, Hungary
Tamas Csorgo (MATE Institute of Technology Karoly Robert Campus (HU)), Tamas Novak (MATE Institute of Technology Karoly Robert Campus (HU)), Mate Csanad (Eotvos University, Budapest)

The 52nd edition of the International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics will take place at the Károly Róbert Campus of MATE in Gyöngyös, Hungary.

The topics of the 52th ISMD in Gyöngyös, Hungary will include the followings:

  • Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets, flows, ...
  • Cosmic ray and astroparticle physics
  • Femtoscopy
  • Forward physics: Diffraction, Odderon and Pomeron
  • Hadronic final states in high pT interactions
  • Multiparticle correlations and fluctuations
  • Proton structure, small-x and large-x physics
  • Physics of X17 and other beyond standard model states
  • Other important new developments in HEP
  • Science outreach (in Tokaj on August 26, Saturday)


The arrival date is August 20, 2023 (Sunday).

The scientific sessions will start in the morning of August 21, 2023 (Monday) and will be completed on August 25, Friday. On August 26, Saturday, ISMD 2023 will be followed by a post-conference tour (with science outreach presentations) to Eger and Tokaj, traditionally some of the best wine regions in Hungary.

The meeting will consist of plenary talks and posters, but all the accepted poster presentations will also be presented in plenary flash talks. In order to inspire discussions, the poster session will be coupled with wine tasting.

In-person participation is encouraged by traditional Hungarian hospitality. However, online participation is also welcomed from all over the world.

The short URL is https://indico.cern.ch/e/ismd23 .

Normal registration has been closed on July 10, 2023. Late registration is possible, for slightly increased costs, up to August 7, 2023, but housing in Hotel Avar (****) is not anymore granted. The reduced cost of Hotel Avar (****) is still offered to the ISMD participants if free rooms are available (please cross-check with the hotel directly for late registrations).  

The late registration fee is 210 kHUF, approximately 500 EUR, depending also on exchange rate of course (as the price is fixed in HUF). Payment deadline for this is  August 7, 2023  (for wire transfers),  which coincides with the deadline for late registrations. Note that on-side payment in cash is possible and the registered participants will be informed about their balances in due time, by about August 10, 2023

Invitations for outstanding new results are closing on July 31. If you feel you have outstanding new results that should be invited, please contact the organizers (chair, co-chair or scientific secretary of ISMD23).

Late registration closes on August 7. 

The late registration fee will 210 kHUF, approximately 500 EUR, valid for any payment after July 7, and also for on-site payments (in cash only, for credit card withdrawals, an ATM is available within 200 m from the conference site). Note that registration for in-person participation is extended up to August 7.

Students are particularly encouraged to apply, a limited amount of sponsored registration fee is avaiable for them, with a 40-50% discount, to be requested upon registration (a letter from the supervisor has to be attached to the registration). This reduction aims at encouraging participation by PhD and advanced MSc students

Both the normal and the late registration fee for supported students (or specially invited participants) is the same,  115 kHUF, approx 300 EUR..

The registration fee for online participation is 15 kHUF, approximately 40 EUR, to contribute to the cost of the organization. 

Registration payments shall be made to:

  • Account owner: Gyöngyösi Felsőoktatásért Alapítvány 
  • English name of owner: Foundation for Higher Education in Gyöngyös
  • Address of account owner: H-3200 Gyöngyös, Puskin utca 3.2/18, Hungary
  • IBAN: HU92 10700299 71140852 51100005
  • Name of the bank: CIB Bank Zrt., 
  • Address of bank:  H-3200 Gyöngyös, Szent Bertalan utca 1., Hungary


The post-conference excursion to Eger and Tokaj includes a science outreach event and the cost of participation in this excursion will be 50 kHUF, approximately 130 EUR.

Bus transportation from the Ferenc Liszt Airport, Budapest to the conference hotels in Gyöngyös region will be organized if there is sufficient interest (about 50%) , the costs are foreseen to be 5 kHUF in one direction (about 13 EUR). Note that Gyöngyös area is very well connected to Budapest, on the M3 highway, public bus and train transportation is also available, but the direct ISMD bus transport seems to be the ideal (less than 1 hour after departure) solution for the transportation to the airport.

Both online and physically present participants are strongly encouraged to participate in the whole meeting, by ask questions, making comments and be active in discussions. This is particularly relevant for student participants.

Experimentalists are kindly requested to address the theoretical community, in particular present experimental results, that can be calculated. Theorists are kindly requested to calculate results that can be measured. Discussions among different fields of multiparticle producion will  also be encouraged and inspired.

Housing is to be reserved by the participants. Promotion codes for special ISMD prices are arranged for the two recommended nearby  hotels:

 Hotel Avar (Mátrafüred, **** superior) and the

 Károly Róbert Hotel (**) both located in Gyöngyös, Hungary.

The promotion code is sent by by e-mail to your address after you have completed and submitted  (but not necessarily paid) your on-line registration form to ISMD 2023, using the leftmost menu or directly this link.

Last updated by T. Cs. on July 11, 2023.

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Tamas Csorgo
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