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Grid Operations Workshop - 2007

KTH, Stockholm

KTH, Stockholm

wLCG/ EGEE Grid Operations Workshop - 2007

    • 1
      Opening plenary
      Speaker: Dr Ian Bird (CERN)
    • Operations procedures
      • 2
        Introduction & overview
        Speaker: Maite Barroso Lopez (CERN)
      • 3
        Site reports
        These are the points to cover in each presentation (any additional feedback/proposal is welcome!): - tools used in daily grid operations - what features are missing to make your work easier - examples of the most frequent scheduled interventions at your site - examples of the most frequent unscheduled interventions at your site - points to improve in communication with ROC, other sites, Vos, rest of the world... - How do you plan deployment of updates/new versions so continuous production is not interrupted? - Communication with users: how are you informed about operational problems at your site reported by local/remote users? Mail/GGUS/phone/other? - Correlation of cross-site issues: is the operations meeting enough for this? How do you do it otherwise? - What percentage of real site problems are detected and reported by the COD before you know about them? - usefulness of the following operations bodies/meetings and suggestions to improve them: - COD - your ROC support team - operations meeting
        Speakers: Daniele Cesini (Unknown), Go Iwai (KEK/CRC), Dr Koerdt Clemens (FZK), Kyriacos Neocleous (Unknown), Marcin Radecki (Unknown), Mario David (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentaco e Fisica Experimental de Particulas), Olof Barring (CERN), Pierrick Micout, Ronald Starink (Unknown)
        • a) LIP-Lisbon, SWE, Mario David
        • b) CY-01-KIMON, SEE ROC, Kyriacos Neocleous
        • c) FZK-LCG2, DECH ROC, Clemens Koerdt
        • d) NIKHEF-ELPROD, NE, Ronald Starink
        • e) CYFRONET-LCG2, CE, Marcin Radecki
        • f) GRIF, France ROC, MICOUT Pierrick
        • g) CERN-PROD, CERN ROC, Olof Barring
        • h) JP-KEK-CRC-01 and JP-KEK-CRC-02, AP ROC, Go Iwai
        • i) CNAF-T1, ROC Italy, Daniele Cesini
      • 16:15
        coffee break CERN


      • 4
        User reports: WLCG
        Speaker: Dr Jamie Shiers (CERN)
        Daily WLCG Service Log
        Weekly WLCG Service Log
      • 5
        Speakers: Daniele Cesini (Unknown), Dr Ian Bird (CERN), Dr Jamie Shiers (CERN), Jeremy Coles (Physics Department), Maite Barroso Lopez (CERN), Mario David (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentaco e Fisica Experimental de Particulas), Mr Min Tsai (ASGC), Olof Barring (CERN)
    • Grid operations Service Level Agreements (SLA)

      A SLA is a formal negotiated agreement between two parties. It is a contract that exists between customers and their service provider, or between service providers. It transcripts the common understanding about services, priorities, responsibilities, guarantee, etc. with the main purpose to agree on the level of service. For example, it may specify the levels of availability, serviceability, performance, operation or other attributes of the service and even penalties in the case of violation of the SLA.

      • 6
        SLA Working Group: SLA proposal
        Speaker: Konstantinos Koumantaros (Unknown)
      • 7
        Grid operations metrics
        Speakers: Alistair Mills (CERN), Lukasz Skital (Unknown), Maite Barroso Lopez (CERN)
    • 10:30
      coffee break CERN


    • 8
      Software release updates cycles
      Speakers: Dr Alessandra Forti (University of Manchester), Maite Barroso Lopez (CERN)
    • 9
      Rollout of new VOMS features: fair shares, VOViews, FQANs
      Speakers: Gergely Debreczeni (KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics), Maite Barroso Lopez (CERN)
    • 10
      So what can NPM do for you?
      Speaker: Jeremy Nowell (High Energy Phys.Group Blackett-Lab Imp.Coll.)
    • 12:30
      lunch break CERN


    • 11
      User problems do not go to /dev/null
      Speaker: Maria Dimou (CERN)
    • Site/grid/application monitoring
      • 12
        Sharing best practices and system management tools:
        Speakers: Dr Alessandra Forti (University of Manchester), Maite Barroso Lopez (CERN)
      • 13
        Grid monitoring WG: proposal to sites and timelines/roll out strategy
        Speaker: James Casey (CERN)
      • 14
        Application monitoring
        Speaker: Julia Andreeva (CERN)
    • 16:10
      coffee break CERN


    • 15
      CMS operations
      Speaker: Dr Andrea Sciaba' (CERN)
    • 16
      CMS usage of SAM in EGEE and OSG
      Speaker: Dr Andrea Sciaba' (CERN)
    • 17
      OSG operations
      Speaker: Rob Quick (OSG - Indiana University)
    • 18
      NDGF operations
      Speaker: Erik Mattias Wadenstein
    • ROC activities

      Present some of teh activities going on on ROCs/sites of interest to the whole community

      • 19
        SEE-GRID operational tools and Grid services improvements
        Speaker: Antun Balaz (Institute of Physics, Belgrade)
      • 20
        InGRID: A Generic Autonomous Expert System for Grid Nodes Real Time
        Speaker: Francesc Perez (TID)
      • 21
        The Baazar vision
        Speakers: Maite Barroso Lopez (CERN), Tomasz Szepieniec
    • 10:40
      coffee break
    • 22
      Planning for EGEE III
      Speaker: Dr Bob Jones (CERN)
    • 23
      Future and evolution of Grid operations in EGEE III and EGI
      Speaker: Dr Ian Bird (CERN)
    • 24
      Conclusions and closure
      Speakers: Dr Ian Bird (CERN), Maite Barroso Lopez (CERN)