10–14 Jul 2023
University of Washington
US/Pacific timezone

Real-Time AI for the Particle Flow and PUPPI Algorithm in the CMS Level-1 Trigger Upgrade

10 Jul 2023, 19:00
Oak Hall Denny Room

Oak Hall Denny Room


Noah Paladino (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))


The Particle Flow algorithm has proven highly effective in the offline reconstruction of events in the CMS detector. Combined with Pile-Up Per Particle Identification (PUPPI), the two algorithms provide the necessary basis for the construction of higher-level physics options, such as jets and taus. With the upcoming High Luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC), implementing the PF and PUPPI algorithms in the Level-1 (L1) trigger has become a way to significantly improve trigger performance. The integration of these elements in the L1 trigger allows for the implementation of machine learning algorithms, such as b-tagging and tau-tagging, which can be implemented on the FPGAs using the hls4ml framework. This allows for greater sensitivity to multiple signals, including di-Higgs events, which are essential for measuring the Higgs self-coupling, by resulting in a sharper and earlier trigger turn-on as well as increased signal acceptance.


Aidan Chambers (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US)) Duc Minh Hoang (MIT) Noah Paladino (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US)) Orion Foo Philip Coleman Harris (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))

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