3–7 Jun 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.

String compactifications from top to bottom

3 Jun 2024, 09:50
81/R-003B - Science Gateway Auditorium B (CERN)

81/R-003B - Science Gateway Auditorium B


Show room on map


Miguel Montero (IFT UAM-CSIC)


To properly understand String Theory, we must understand its vast space of solutions -- the string Landscape --. The talk will review recent progress in this quest, starting with higher-dimensional supersymmetric vacua where a combination of top-down constructions and bottom-up consistency principles (Swampland constraints) have led to string universality -- a match between the set of low-energy EFT's satisfying bottom-up consistency conditions and those arising from top-down stringy constructions. We will then move on to less supersymmetric examples, ending in exciting new developments in the arena of non-supersymmetric string vacua.

Presentation materials