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Imminent test of quantum gravity with gravitational waves

5 May 2024, 11:40


10 Burlington Rd, Dublin, D04 C932, Ireland


Gianluca Calcagni


We present a model of the early Universe stemming directly
from a UV-complete, nonlocal, unified theory of quantum gravity and
matter. The problems of the hot big bang are solved by virtue of the
conformal invariance enjoyed by the theory without the need to invoke
inflation. Primordial tensor and scalar spectra are naturally generated
by, respectively, quantum and thermal fluctuations. Relying on very few
assumptions, the theory predicts a blue-tilted tensor spectrum feeding a
primordial stochastic background observable by DECIGO, as well as a
lower bound for the tensor-to-scalar ratio detectable by BICEP Array
within the next 4 years.

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