26th IPPOG meeting
The 26th IPPOG Collaboration Meeting is scheduled to be held from Monday to Thursday, with the following outlined plan:
- Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th November: 2nd Hacathon of IPPOG's WG on Applications for Society
- Tuesday, 28th November: Steering Groups Meetings (IMC - GC).
- Wednesday and Thursday, 29th-30th November: IPPOG meeting.
- Collaboration Meeting: https://indico.cern.ch/e/ippog-2023-autumn
- Collaboration Board: https://indico.cern.ch/e/ippog-cb-2023-autumn
- 2nd Hackathon of IPPOG's WG on Applications for Society: for more info please contact (CERN rooms: 27/11: 5/R-026 and 28/11: 4/S-030): https://indico.cern.ch/event/1342503/ contact: barbora.gulejova@cern.ch and yiota.foka@cern.ch
Meeting room
29 November - room Anderson 40/S2-A01
30 November - morning room Dirac building 40/S2-D01
- CB (only ct and representatives or nominated proxies) afternoon building 6/2-004
The meeting will be held at CERN. Zoom connections will be established during certain times to allow for the participation of people unable to attend in presence. But we encourage your physical presence.
- Click on Videoconference (left)
Hotel suggestions
Group Activity
Visit of the Science Gateway Education Lab
Please book your flights.
Remote Attendees
Please mind the following points to help run the meeting smoothly:
- When connecting to Zoom, please switch off your camera and mute your microphone. If you want or are asked to intervene, then unmute your microphone. If network allows and you don’t run into privacy issues, you can also switch your camera, as usually people like to see who is speaking.
- For questions/comments please raise your hands! The Chair(s) will monitor the hands and pass you the word at the appropriate time.
- The chat box will also be monitored in case you want to write a question/comment or are difficulties with the system
- Zoom link
Working Groups
- Applications for Society WG: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1338754/
- Masterclasses-to-New-Countries WG: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1346990/
- Explaining Particle Physics to a Lay Audience WG
- Exhibits and Public Events
Steering Groups
- International Masterclasses SG: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1332698/
Collaboration Dinner
The Collaboration dinner will be held on Wednesday November 29th, 2023
h 7:30 pm
Location: Piatto d'Oro - Rue du Cardinal-Journet 43, 1217 Meyrin
9 min tram 18 or bus 68