Poster Session 2023
What? It's your chance to expose your work project and to present it within the bigger context of your experiment / department. You can make one on your own, or with a small group. Of course all students and supervisors are welcome to join us!
Please note that we only have 20-30 places available.
When? Thursday 25th July 2023 at 5pm to approx. 6h30pm
How? Please register on this event. Registration opens July 5th at 15h00
Where? Mezzanine of the Main Building- 500/1-201
More details:
Preparation of your Poster:
Posters can be as big as you like as long as they fit on the pannel. We recommend to print it in A0 (84.09 x 118.9 cm) or A1 (59.46 x 84.09 cm). The panels we use for the poster session are the same as the summer student notice board outside the Auditorium, so please just make sure it fits!
Where to print your Poster?
Your poster can be printed at the CERN Printshop. Once you have created your poster, you will just have to convert it into a pdf file and send it to the Printshop via the online submission form. You will then be informed when the poster has been printed and is ready for collection.
Note that if you want to print 2 or more copies you will have to provide a budget code (you will need to ask your supervisor for your group budget code).
The CERN Printshop is located on the ground floor of building 510 (opposite the Main Building): 510 R-007. The Printshop reception is open from: Monday-Friday, only by appointment in the morning and every afternoon from 13h to 16h30.
Please make sure that you submit your poster request during normal working hours, and not to leave it until the last moment! Note that for large conferences, the waiting list in front of you can be very long.
For those participants who have not sent the topic of their posters yet, please send it as soon as possible to the Summer Student Team!
We look forward to seeing you there, don't forget to invite your supervisor and colleagues to join us!
5:00 PM
8:00 PM
Poster Session
5:00 PM
CMS Inspection Robot 3mSpeakers: Aljoharh Alshwaish, Firas Abou Karnib
- 5:03 PM
- 5:06 PM
5:09 PM
Search for new phenomena in 4 lepton final states with the full Run 2 dataset 3mSpeaker: Mr Shreyas Bakare (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune)
5:12 PM
Application of Machine Learning in Simulation and Analysis of Neutrino Interactions with Argon Nuclei: 3mSpeaker: Shubham Bangalia (CERN)
5:15 PM
ATLAS L1Calo Trigger System 3mSpeaker: Srinidhi Budhiraju (CERN)
5:18 PM
tt̄H Events Classification with Graph Neural Networks in 2L(SS)+1𝛕had Channel 3mSpeaker: Paramott Bunnjaweht (CERN)
5:21 PM
Photon ID 3mSpeaker: Mx Franco Cassinese (National University of La Plata (AR))
- 5:24 PM
5:27 PM
Search for Scalar Leptoquarks Through T-Channel Production at LHCb 3mSpeaker: Carrie Re Cox (CERN)
5:30 PM
Barrier bucket multi-turn extraction from PS to SPS for fixed-target experiments 3mSpeaker: Matis Cuvelier
5:33 PM
Optical Characterizations of Aerogel and Anti-Reflecting Coating of SiPM 3mSpeaker: Almaida Firdaus (CERN)
5:36 PM
MTD 3mSpeaker: Amal Ali A. Hasan
5:39 PM
Efficiency characterization of gamma+6 jets trigger 3mSpeaker: Joaquin Iturriza Ramirez (National University of La Plata (AR))
5:42 PM
Studying the Decay of the Hypertriton 3mSpeaker: Elli Sophie Jobst
5:45 PM
Long-range correlations in pp collisions 3mSpeaker: Olavi Kiuru
- 5:48 PM
5:51 PM
Emulsion Data Analysis for SND@LHC 3mSpeaker: Tanvi Krishnan (Harvey Mudd College)
5:54 PM
Measurements of the Lb->JpsiXiK and Xib->JpsiXiPi Branching Ratios 3mSpeaker: Noah Luch (Princeton University (US))
5:57 PM
lb-telemetry: Identifying optimisation opportunities in software tools 3mSpeaker: Cameron Duncan McClymont
6:00 PM
Optimization of the longitudinal segmentation of a SPACAL for the LHCb PicoCal 3mSpeaker: Aleksandra Petkovic
- 6:03 PM
6:06 PM
Performance Studies and New Particle Search with the ATLAS Forward Proton Detector 3mSpeaker: Haritina Sakova (CERN)
- 6:09 PM
6:12 PM
Study of the noise properties of non-destructive single-particle detector for antiproton spin flip identification 3mSpeaker: Halil Furkan Kimkak
6:15 PM
Characterisation of additively manufactured synchrotron radiation absorber 3mSpeaker: Kristupa Seskauskaite
6:18 PM
Quality Control and certification of GEM detectors for the CMS GE2/1 station 3mSpeaker: Riana Shaba
- 6:21 PM
6:24 PM
Time information in conformal tracking for future colliders 3mSpeaker: Wei-Po Wang
6:27 PM
RFQcb at Offline 2 3mSpeaker: Jara Anielle Wilensky
5:00 PM
5:00 PM
8:00 PM