11–14 Sept 2023
Asia/Yerevan timezone

The workshop is organized by A.I. Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory (Yerevan Physics Institute) with the support of Volkswagen Foundation within the Regional Doctoral Program on Theoretical and Experimental High Energy Physics. Conference will be held on September 11-14, 2023 in Yerevan, Armenia.

The main topics of the current event are the Precise Tests of the Standard Model, Physics of Higgs boson, Physics Beyond the Standard Model, Heavy Ion Physics, Hadron Spectroscopy, Advanced Computational and Analysis Tools, etc. Workshop mainly focused on topics of High Energy Physics experiments such like experiments at LHC, SPS, NICA, KEK, etc.

About fifty talks, with a duration of about 30 minutes are expected.

There is no registration fee. The social expenses (coffee breaks, reception, workshop dinner) will be covered by organizers. Accommodation and travel expenses are expected to be covered by the participants. Organizers could help to arrange the accommodation under special reduced prizes. We have also the limited funds for covering the accommodation and travel expenses. All participants are kindly invited to register until the deadline, Aug 13, 2023.


Conference website: http://chep-2023-yerevan.yerphi.am/ 
