In the vacuum transmission lines of terawatt pulsed-power accelerators such as Sandia National Laboratories’ Z machine, high electric fields (MV/m) result in field emission of electrons from cathodes. Left unchecked, these electrons are lost to and heat anode surfaces, leading to the emission of positive ions, and the generation of expanding electrode plasmas ($10^{16}-10^{18}$ cm${}^{-3}$)....
High gradient RF challenges in the muon collider will be presented and discussed.
It has been proposed that breakdown nucleation in high vacuum high field systems results from a critical transition linked to plastic activity in the surface of the metal exposed to the field [1]. It is also known that field emission is associated with, and generally considered to be a necessary precursor to, breakdown. Recently, a theoretical link was offered between the intensity and...
The present contribute describes and analyzes recent experimental results obtained at the High Voltage Padova Test Facility (HVPTF), the laboratory aimed at supporting the development of the prototype for the ITER NBI.
Evidences that bursts of electrons hitting the anode surface are the precursors of breakdown in a in a significative fraction of vacuum discharges were observed using a fast...