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Resonance meeting



Resonance meeting (04 Mar 2011)

Minute Resonance Meeting  of 04-03-2011


1)      Presentation on Sigma* by Enrico.  Good results of extraction of the signal using a global fit to estimate background and signal.  Then background is subtracted  and then raw counts are estimated from hysto contents.  Some general remarks:  Enrico has to sent the  information on the chi2 of  his fits.   Moreover, he has excluded the Xi from the fit.  It would be better to extract the Xi (also with wider cuts) to have a check of the procedure and to  estimate the residual of Xi below the Sigma* peak.  Moreover the Levy fit on spectra has a low chi-square.  Probably this is due to the use of TGraph.  Enrico should contact Alberto to solve this.

2)      2 presentations on Lambda* in p-p.  We need soon to have Lambda* in the simulation.  Then we need to put a request on Savannah to have a specific PYTHIA generation with Lambda* (Angela, Alberto).  This has been done during the week-end.

Moreover it is important to see what resonances are missing in HJING. And put a Savannah task (Angela e Alberto).  This has been verified the 7th of March.  Lambda* is missing in HIJING. 

3)      Request of  Serguey for the tender in the RSN package (Alberto).  The 7th of March Alberto has sent  him a macro with the tender. Martin is working to use the tender also in the event-mixing.

4)       Presented results on K* signal in Pb-Pb collisions, extracted using femtoscopy package.  Many questions about the PID extraction and the event mixing estimate. It is important to check these results and re do the analysis with RSN package. First step Subhasha will send his macro to Alberto, to permit him to do a first check.

5)      Boris raised the problem of  the use of the period b and  c for the analysis, i..e. the fact that it is not possible in this moment estimate for these periods the correct normalization.  What is it better to do?  Use the d period?  Verify  possibilities and problems (Angela and Alberto).      


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 15:30 16:00
      Sigma(1385) analysis status 30m
      Speaker: Enrico Fragiacomo (Univ. + INFN)
    • 16:00 16:20
      Extraction of Lambda(1520) signal in pp data 20m
      Speaker: Benjamin Doenigus (GSI)
    • 16:20 16:40
      K*0 production in Pb + Pb collision at 2.76 TeV 20m
      Speaker: Subhash Singha (Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC)-Department of Atomic Ene)
    • 16:40 17:00
      Lambda(1520) mass/width in pp at 7 TeV 20m
      Speaker: Serguei Kiselev (Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP))