Neutrino Physics: Chaired by Jon Urheim
- Sam Zeller (FNAL)
Neutrino Physics: Chaired by Ed Kearns
- Edward Kearns (Boston University)
- Sam Zeller (FNAL)
Neutrino Physics: Chaired by Morgan Wascko
- Danny Marfatia
- Sam Zeller (FNAL)
Neutrino Physics: Chaired by John Beacom
- Sam Zeller (FNAL)
Neutrino Physics: Chaired by Mayly Sanchez
- Sam Zeller (FNAL)
- Mayly Sanchez (Argonne National Laboratory)
Neutrino Physics: Chaired by Kerry Whisnant
- Sam Zeller (FNAL)
- Kerry Whisnant (Iowa State University)
Neutrino Physics: Chaired by Charlie Baltay
- Sam Zeller (FNAL)
Roger Wendell
(Duke University)
09/08/2011, 14:00
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
We present neutrino oscillation results based on data samples from all four phases of the experiment (SK-1 through SK-4) over a 15 year running period. Atmospheric neutrino data spanning 5 orders of magnitude in neutrino energy and 4 orders of magnitude in baseline are used to constrain the mixing parameters of neutrino oscillation as well as search for non-standard effects. Solar neutrino...
Michael Smy
09/08/2011, 14:20
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
Super-Kamiokande is sensitive to neutrino interactions
between 4 and 100MeV via elastic scattering and inverse
beta decay. I will present Super-Kamiokande's ongoing
measurements of solar neutrinos and its searches for
supernova neutrinos.
Xiaobo Huang
(Argonne National Laboratory)
09/08/2011, 14:40
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
MINOS is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment which started commissioning in 2005. MINOS has provided many physics opportunities in the past few years. It has made best measurement of $\Delta m^{2}_{32}$ and made the first measurement of $\Delta \bar{m}^{2}_{32}$. MINOS also set the most stringent limit to the fraction of active neutrinos transition to sterile neutrinos. MINOS made...
Mhair Orchanian
09/08/2011, 14:55
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
The MINOS Collaboration continues its search for electron neutrino appearance in the NuMI beam at Fermilab. Neutrinos in the beam interact in the Near Detector, located 1 km from the beam source, allowing us to characterize the backgrounds present in our analysis. In particular, we can estimate the number of electron neutrino candidate events we expect to see in the Far Detector (735 km away,...
Adam Schreckenberger
(University of Minnesota)
09/08/2011, 15:15
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
The Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search (MINOS) is a long-baseline neutrino experiment that utilizes Fermilabโs NuMI beam and two steel-scintillator calorimeters. Designed to search for ฮฝยต disappearance, MINOS provides an opportunity to study ฮฝe appearance as well. Analysis methods developed by the MINOS ฮฝe group have facilitated the placement of limits upon the mixing angle associated...
Zeynep Isvan
(University of Pittsburgh)
09/08/2011, 16:00
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
MINOS searches for neutrino oscillations using the disappearance of muon neutrinos between two detectors, over a baseline of 735 km. We recently reported the most precise measurement of neutrino oscillations in the atmospheric sector and the first tagged measurement of antineutrino oscillations. The neutrino mass splitting and mixing angle are measured to be $|\Delta m^{2}| =...
Glenn Lopez
(Stony Brook University)
09/08/2011, 16:20
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
The T2K experiment is a long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment designed to directly measure $\nu_{e}$ appearance, thereby providing a measurement of $\theta_{13}$, the last unknown neutrino mixing angle. In addition, T2K will make precision measurements of $\Delta m_{23}^2 $ and $\sin ^2\left( {2\theta _{23} } \right)$ via measurement of $\nu_{\mu}$ disappearance. To achieve these...
Gavin Davies
(Iowa State University)
09/08/2011, 16:40
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
NOvA is a next generation neutrino oscillation experiment designed to search for muon neutrino to electron neutrino oscillations by comparing electron neutrino event rates in a Near Detector at Fermilab with the rates observed in a large Far Detector at Ash River, Minnesota, 810 km from Fermilab. The detectors are totally active, segmented, liquid scintillator and the Near Detector is located...
Zhe Wang
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
09/08/2011, 17:00
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
The discovery of neutrino oscillation, as a breakthrough in particle physics, motivated the Daya Bay Neutrino Experiment, which is designed to make a precise measurement of the last unknown neutrino mixing angle theta13, with a sensitivity 0.01 for sin^2(2*theta13), using reactor anti-neutrino from 17.4GW Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant located in Shenzhen, China. This talk will introduce the...
David Cline
09/08/2011, 17:20
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
We review briefly the R&D effort that went into the construction of the 600 Ton Liquid Argon TPC. The detector is operating very well with electron drift distances near 4m. The detector is exposed to the CNGS beam from CERN and is collecting neutrino events. More than 130 Neutrino events have been observed. Other physics goals include exotic proton decay and sterile neutrinos. ICARUS is also a...
Jon Urheim
(Indiana University)
09/08/2011, 17:40
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
LBNE is an experiment being designed to probe the parameters of neutrino mixing accessible through nu_mu to nu_e oscillation measurements at the atmospheric L/E scale. It will consist of a new neutrino beam line and Near Detector complex at Fermilab, and one or more very large Far Detector modules, nominally to be sited underground in the Homestake Mine in South Dakota. In addition to the...
Rex Tayloe
(Dept of Physics, Indiana University)
10/08/2011, 14:00
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
A thorough understanding of the physics of neutrino nucleus scattering continues to evade us even after 50 years of experimental work. This is mainly caused by the challenges of these experiments that include beams with large energy uncertainty, low event rates, and large backgrounds. Progress has been made in recent years with new results from improved experiments. It is important to...
Aaron McGowan
(University of Rochester)
10/08/2011, 14:40
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
The MINERvA detector, operating since 2009 in the NuMI beam line at Fermilab, has collected neutrino and antineutrino scattering data on a variety of nuclear targets. The detector is designed to identify events originating in plastic scintillator, lead, carbon, iron, water, and liquid helium. The goals of the experiment are to measure precisely inclusive and exclusive cross sections for...
Bari Osmanov
(University of Florida)
10/08/2011, 15:00
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
The MINERvA experiment is aimed at precisely measuring the cross-sections for various neutrino interaction channels. It is located in Fermilab in an underground cavern in front of the MINOS near detector. MINERvA is a finely-grained scintillator with electromagnetic and hadron calorimetry regions. There are various nuclear targets located inside and in front of the detector for studying...
Brian Kirby
(University of British Columbia)
10/08/2011, 15:20
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
T2K (Tokai-to-Kamioka) is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment designed to search for electron neutrino appearance. An intense off-axis muon neutrino beam produced at the JPARC facility in Tokai is analyzed at two locations, the first a set of detectors 280 m from the production point (ND280) and the second the Super-Kamiokande detector (SK) 295 km away. The ND280 detectors can...
Dmitriy Beznosko
10/08/2011, 15:40
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
The T2K experiment is an off-axis long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment. It utilizes the intense nu_mu beam generated at the J-PARC accelerator complex in Tokai, Japan. It has a near detector, ND280, at 280m from the proton target, and Super-Kamiokande as far detector at 295 km. The measurements of the neutral current pi0 and single charged current pi+ (as part of CC inclusive)...
Morgan Wascko
(Imperial College London)
11/08/2011, 10:30
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
SciBooNE (FNAL E954) is designed to measure precise neutrino cross sections on carbon in the one GeV region. Moreover, SciBooNE can serve as a near detector for MiniBooNE neutrino and antineutrino oscillation searches. I will present SciBooNE's most recent results on neutrino cross section measurements and the search for neutrino disappearance with MiniBooNE.
Jaroslaw Nowak
(University of Minnesota)
11/08/2011, 10:50
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
The NuMI Off-Axis electron neutrino Appearance (NOvA) experiment has started taking data with the 209 ton liquid scintillator-filled prototype of the near detector in the end of November 2010. This detector collects data from two sources, the Main Injector complex and from the Booster Neutrino Beam. At the location of the prototype detector due to the off-axis effect the NuMI beam is narrow...
Minerba Betancourt
(University of Minnesota)
11/08/2011, 11:10
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
NOvA is a long baseline neutrino experiment using an off-axis neutrino
beam produced by the NuMI neutrino beam at Fermilab. The NOVA experiment will study neutrino oscillations from $\nu_{\mu}$ flavor to $\nu_e$ flavor. A short term goal for the NOvA experiment is to develop a good understanding of the response of the detector. These studies are being carried out with the full Near Detector...
Xinchun Tian
(Univesrity of South Carolina)
11/08/2011, 11:30
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
SciNOvA is a proposed experiment to deploy a fine-grained scintillator detector
in front of the NOvA near detector to collect neutrino-nucleus scattering events
in the NUMI, off-axis, narrow-band neutrino beam at Fermilab. This detector
can make unique contributions to the measurement of charged- and neutral-current
quasi-elastic scattering; and neutral-current $\pi^0$ and photon...
Kerry Whisnant
(Iowa State University)
11/08/2011, 11:50
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
The bicycle model of Lorentz noninvariant neutrino oscillations without neutrino masses naturally predicts maximal mixing and a 1/E dependence of the oscillation argument for muon-neutrino to tau-neutrino
oscillations of atmospheric and long-baseline neutrinos, but cannot also simultaneously fit the data for solar neutrinos and KamLAND. We search for other possible structures of the...
Jorge S Diaz
(Indiana University)
11/08/2011, 12:10
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
A three-parameter model of neutrino oscillations is presented. It is based on a simple Lorentz- and CPT-violating texture and is consistent with compelling oscillatory signals and null tests involving atmospheric, accelerator, reactor, and solar neutrinos. The solar and atmospheric mixing angles are fixed by the texture at both low and high energies instead of being independent parameters as...
Susan Lein
(University of Minnesota)
12/08/2011, 08:00
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
The NuMI Off-Axis $\nu_{e}$ Appearance (NO$\nu$A) project is a long-baseline neutrino experiment. It utilizes the NuMI neutrino beam at Fermilab and consists of two functionally-identical plastic, scintillator-filled detectors placed 14 milliradians off-axis from the beam and 810 km apart. A 209 ton prototype detector, the Near Detector On the Surface(NDOS), was built and began taking initial...
Xinchun Tian
(Univesrity of South Carolina)
12/08/2011, 08:20
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
NOvA is an accelerator neutrino oscillation experiment which has a great potential to measure the last unknown mixing angle theta_{13}, the neutrino mass hierarchy, and the CP-violation phase in lepton sector with 1) 700 kW beam, 2) 14 mrad off the beam axis, 3) 810 km baseline.
The Near Detector on the Surface is fully functioning and taking both NuMI and Booster beam data. The far detector...
Nicholas Raddatz
(University of Minnesota)
12/08/2011, 08:40
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
The NuMI Off-Axis v Appearance (NOvA) experiment is a long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment using a neutrino source created from the NuMI Beamline at Fermilab. The experiment will study the oscillations of muon neutrinos to electron neutrinos using two functionally identical plastic, liquid scintillator filled detectors placed 14 milliradians off-axis to the NuMI beam. Charged current...
Florian Frรคnkle
(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
12/08/2011, 09:00
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
The KArlsruhe TRItium Neutrino (KATRIN) experiment is a next generation, model independent, large scale experiment to determine the mass of the electron anti-neutrino by investigating the kinematics of tritium beta-decay with a sensitivity of 200 meV/c2. The measurement setup consists of a high luminosity windowless gaseous molecular tritium source (WGTS), a differential and cryogenic pumped...
Noah Oblath
12/08/2011, 09:20
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
It is well known that the neutrino masses affect the shape of the energy spectrum of tritium beta-decay electrons. However, experiments have yet to measure that distortion. The Project 8 experiment proposes to measure the spectral distortion in a novel way: using radio-frequency techniques to detect and measure the energies of the beta-decay electrons. We plan on measuring the radiation...
Frank Avignone
(University of South Carolina)
12/08/2011, 09:40
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
The Demonstrator will comprise two cryostats containing a total of 70,p-type point-contact Ge detectors. The Collaboration is acquiring
45 -kg of Ge enriched to more than 86% in Ge-76. The goal is to have at least 20-kg of enriched germanium in detectors. The remaining space in the cryostats will be occupied by at least 20-kg of natural abundance Ge detectors. The two detector arrays will be...
Zarko Pavlovic
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
12/08/2011, 10:30
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
The MiniBooNE experiment is a short baseline experiment designed to test whether the excess of $\bar{\nu}_e$ events observed in the LSND experiment is due to neutrino oscillations. If the LSND signal is due to neutrino oscillations it would imply Physics Beyond the Standard Model such as the existence of sterile neutrinos. In this talk I will briefly discuss the sterile neutrino oscillation...
(Columbia University)
12/08/2011, 10:50
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
Recent neutrino oscillation results have provoked renewed interest in sterile neutrino models. This talk will review the data from MiniBooNE, MINOS and reactor neutrinos. We incorporate these results as well as new electron neutrino disappearance data into our fits, and expand the model to address matter effects. We discuss how future experiments will resolve the questions that have been raised.
Lindley Winslow
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
12/08/2011, 11:10
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
From the discovery of the neutrino to the precision neutrino oscillation measurements in KamLAND, nuclear reactors have proven to be an important source of antineutrinos. As their power and our knowledge of neutrino physics has increased, more sensitive measurements have become possible. The next generation of reactor antineutrino experiments require more detailed simulation of the reactor...
Enectali Figueroa-Feliciano
12/08/2011, 11:30
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
Coherent elastic neutrino- and WIMP-nucleus interaction signatures are expected to be quite similar. Next-generation ton-scale dark matter detectors could discover neutrino-nucleus coherent scattering in an underground laboratory. A high intensity pion- and muon- decay-at-rest neutrino source recently proposed for oscillation physics at underground laboratories would provide the neutrinos for...
Yu Gao
(University of Oregon)
12/08/2011, 11:50
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
Recent observation of a potential a deficit in the anti-neutrino flux measurement at reactor experiments may suggest the possibility of sterile neutrino species with up to eV^2 mass-square scale. The upward neutrinos at the IceCube/DeepCore observatory provide an ideal test of the sterile neutrinos, as the very long distance through the Earth and matter effect allow the sterile species...
Roxanne Guenette
(Yale University)
12/08/2011, 16:00
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
The ArgoNeuT project features a 175 liter Liquid Argon (LAr) Time Projection Chamber (TPC) that was located upstream of the MINOS near detector in the NuMI neutrino beam at Fermilab. The project is part of the LAr TPC development program in the US and has helped initiate the development of simulation and reconstruction tools for LAr TPCs. In addition to the development goals, ArgoNeuT will...
Christina Ignarra
12/08/2011, 16:30
Neutrino Physics
Parallel contribution
The MicroBooNE experiment is a 170 ton Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) which will begin running at Fermilab in 2013. It's primary physics goal is to explore the low energy excess of events seen by the MiniBooNE experiment and it is the next step in the R&D to make LAr a viable option for future large neutrino detectors. This talk will present an overview of the MicroBooNE...