This talk will consider a new mechanism to produce anomalous tau neutrino appearance at the near detectors of beam-focused neutrino experiments, without extending the neutrino sector. The charged mesons (π±,K±) produced and focused in the target-horn system can decay to a neutrino-philic light mediator via the helicity-unsuppressed three-body decays. Such a mediator also can be produced via the bremsstrahlung of the incident proton beam due to the models we consider. The subsequent decay of the mediator to a tau neutrino pair results in tau neutrino detection at the near detectors, which is unexpected under the standard three-flavor neutrino oscillation paradigm. The signal flux from the charged meson decays can be significant enough to discover the light mediator signal at the on-axis liquid-argon near detector of the DUNE experiment, due to the focusing of charged mesons. In this talk, I will also consider ICARUS-NuMI, an off-axis near detector of the NuMI beam to observe the tau neutrino events.
Name of collaboration or list of co-authors
Bhupal Dev, Tao Han, Doojin Kim