4–8 Dec 2023
America/Kentucky/Louisville timezone


All presenters are invited to submit proceedings corresponding to their presentations at Tau2023.  Although these proceedings are optional, some participants [specially early career scientists] often find it very helpful to have a reference to a single-authored publication resulting from conference proceedings.  For presentations made on behalf of a collaborative research effort, the author of the proceeding is requested to mention as such in their proceedings, or the presenter may list names of all collaborators as co-authors. Hopefully, these proceedings will become a valuable reference to the workshop. 

The TAU2023 Proceedings will be published online through SciPostThe temporary url for proceedings page is https://scipost.org/SciPostPhysProc.202312001, which  will change once the issue is published and assigned a doi.

The following page limits are suggested :

4 pages for 20 minute talks
5 pages for 25 minute talks
6 pages for 30+minute talks.
The latex style guide is linked here.
A brief guide with information for authors is here
The above listed materials are available at https://indico.cern.ch/event/1303630/contributions/5700289.
The deadline for submitting proceedings is 21st June 2024, as mentioned at https://indico.cern.ch/event/1303630/page/30189-format-of-the-conference.