4–8 Dec 2023
America/Kentucky/Louisville timezone

Charged lepton flavor violation at circular e+e- colliders

4 Dec 2023, 11:40
Plenary Presentation Monday before lunch


Pankaj Munbodh (University of California Santa Cruz)


Lepton flavor violation is one of the cleanest probes of physics beyond the standard model. In this work, we explore the sensitivity of the process $e^+e^-\to\tau\mu$ to new physics above the TeV scale at the proposed circular electron-positron colliders FCC-ee and CEPC. We compute the $e^+e^-\to\tau\mu$ cross-section in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory and assess the relevant backgrounds. We compare our sensitivity projections to existing and expected constraints from tau decays and $Z$ decays and find that the future electron-positron colliders provide competitive probes of new physics. We highlight the complementarity of searches for resonant $e^+e^-\to Z \to \tau\mu$ production on the $Z$ pole and searches for non resonant $e^+e^-\to\tau\mu$ at higher center-of-mass energies.

Name of collaboration or list of co-authors

Wolfgang Altmannshofer, Pankaj Munbodh and Talise Oh.

Primary authors

Pankaj Munbodh (University of California Santa Cruz) Ms Talise Oh Wolfgang Altmannshofer (UC Santa Cruz)

Presentation materials