Friday morning: Neutrino, Chiral Belle
- Zbigniew Andrzej Was (Polish Academy of Sciences)
Neutrinos are some of the most abundant elementary particles in our universe. They play important, even dominant, roles in many of the most extreme astrophysical phenomena, while also serving as unique messengers from the deep stellar interiors. Historically, studies of solar neutrinos gave us the first observation of physics beyond the Standard Model, while also providing an important probe...
The IceCube experiment is sensitive to tau neutrinos spanning over six orders of magnitude in energy, from atmospheric and astrophysical sources. We report on IceCube results, focusing on atmospheric tau neutrino appearance and our recent astrophysical tau neutrino detection. We also provide estimated sensitivities for future analyses, including those to be performed with the approved IceCube Upgrade.
Recent R&D work associated with upgrading the SuperKEKB e+e− collider with polarized electron beams is presented. The Chiral Belle physics program enables a set of unique precision measurements using the Belle II detector. It includes a set of measurements of $\sin^2\theta_W$ via separate left-right asymmetry ($A_{LR}$) measurements in annihilations to pairs of electrons, muons, taus, charm...