ECFA HTE mini-workshop on e+e- physics at 240-350 GeV


Rare top decays (LianTao Wang)


- lower-dimension operators?  require SM gauge symmetries

- yields given for Wilson coefficient equal to one, limits shown are current limits from LHC



Quark-flavor-violating SUSY and Higgs BR (Keisho Hidaka)


- is there a correlation between deviations in H->bb and H->bs?  Yes

- has anyone considered h->tc, where t is off-shell?  it is beyond the reach of HL-LHC



Single transverse spin asymmetry as a new probe of SMEFT dipole operators (Xin-Kai Wen)


- do any of the sensitivities depend on energy? no, just rates (size and slope of band)



Quantum information and CP measurement in H->tau tau at future colliders (Kazuki Sakurai)


- did you include the effect of background? we have neglected it since it is small

- you could update the LHC projection to those from the experiments, and you could add tau decays

- you could also add detector simulation

- why is A not zero?  effects of detector resolution, when these are zero then A should be 0 (have not varied resolution)

  o note that A is a squared quantity so the mean should be >0 over many pseudoexperiments

- could you define an observable that gives you sensitivity to sin 2delta rather than sin^2 2delta?

- suggest to generate events with Wizhard to include beamstrahlung



CP sensitivity in e+e- to ZH: Snowmass and beyond (Andrei Gritsan)


- is e+e- VBF not comparable in sensitivity? not much additional gain

- what about polarization?  this was studied for Snowmass, similar sensitivity (could be updated)


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