18–20 Dec 2023
Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Probing Dark Matter Interactions in the Light of CMBR

18 Dec 2023, 15:30
Convention Center CC2 (IIT Hyderabad)

Convention Center CC2

IIT Hyderabad

Talk Plenary


Arindam Chatterjee


In the standard cosmology, Dark Matter (DM) is generally assumed to be non-interacting. However, in several well-motivated particle physics models, which include a DM candidate, it participates in various interactions. In particular, we have considered interactions of DM
with neutrinos and electrons. Such interactions, if present in the early Universe, can leave imprints in the anisotropies observed in the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR). We have investigated such scenarios in light of CMBR data from the Planck collaboration. Considering specific forms of interactions, we further obtain the constraints on the relevant lagrangian parameters.

Designation Faculty
Institution Shiv Nadar IoE Deemed to be University

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