29 November 2023 to 1 December 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone

Nuclear properties and exotic structure of $^{81,82}$Zn isotopes beyond $\textit{N}$ = 50

30 Nov 2023, 15:30
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


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Submitted oral (In person) Ground state properties


Mr Yongchao Liu (Peking University (CN))


Rich nuclear structure phenomena, such as shape coexistence and shell evolution, have been observed in the neutron rich region up to N = 50 around $^{78}$Ni [1-4]. Moving to more neutron-rich nuclei, theoretical calculation shows that the shell evolution and deformation will also appear in the ground states of isotopes beyond N = 50 [4-6]. Nuclear spins, electromagnetic moments and charge radii of the ground states of these neutron-rich nuclei, which are accessed by laser spectroscopy techniques, would provide important information on theoretically-predicted exotic structure. However, due to the low production yield of neutron-rich isotopes in the northeast of $^{78}$Ni, as well as the accompanying large isobaric contamination, measurement of ground-state properties in this region using laser spectroscopy has been limited till now.

Recently, thanks to the strong rubidium suppression by using a quartz transfer line in the ISOLDE target, and the high sensitivity and selectivity of the Collinear Laser Spectroscopy (CRIS) technique [7,8], measurements of $^{81,82}$Zn (N = 51,52) close to the $^{78}$Ni have been performed successfully. This leads to the first determination of the nuclear spin and electromagnetic moments of $^{81}$Zn and the charge radii of $^{81,82}$Zn. In this talk, the details of the CRIS experiment as well as the extracted nuclear properties of the $^{81,82}$Zn isotopes will be presented. The experimental results will be further discussed based on the on-going shell model and ab-initio calculations.

[1] X. F. Yang et al. Isomer shift and magnetic moment of the long-lived 1/2$^+$ isomer in
49: signature of shape coexistence near $^{78}$Ni. Physical Review Letters, 116:182502, 2016.
[2] F. Nowacki, A. Poves, E. Caurier, and B. Bounthong. Shape coexistence in $^{78}$Ni as the portal to the fifth island of inversion. Physical Review Letters, 117:272501, 2016.
[3] S. Padgett et al. β decay of 81Zn and migrations of states observed near the N = 50 closed shell. Physical Review C, 82:064314, 2010.
[4] R. Taniuchi, C. Santamaria, P. Doornenbal, et al. $^{78}$Ni revealed as a doubly magic stronghold against nuclear deformation, Nature 569: 53, 2019.
[5] G. Hagen, G. R. Jansen, and T. Papenbrock. Structure of $^{78}$Ni from first-principles
computations. Physical Review Letters, 117:172501, 2016.
[6] K. Maurya, P. C. Srivastava, and I. Mehrotra. Shell model description of N = 51
isotones. IOSR Journal of Applied Physics, 3:52, 2013.
[7]R. P. De Groote, J. Billowes, C. L. Binnersley, et al. Measurement and microscopic description of odd–even staggering of charge radii of exotic copper isotopes. Nature Physics, 16:620-624, 2020.
[8]M. Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, J. R. Reilly, Á. Koszorús, et al. Voltage scanning and technical upgrades at the Collinear Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy experiment. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 541:86-89, 2023.


Mr Yongchao Liu (Peking University (CN))


Prof. Xiaofei Yang (Peking University) Mr Bram van den Borne (KU Leuven) Prof. Thomas E Cocolios (KU Leuven) Dr Michail Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis (KU Leuven) Ms Mia Au (CERN) Dr Shiwei Bai (Peking University) Ms Silvia Bara (KU Leuven) Prof. Ruben P de Groote (KU Leuven) Prof. Kieran T Flanagan (University of Manchester) Prof. Ronald F Garcia Ruiz (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Mr Yangfan Guo (Peking University) Prof. Dag Hanstorp (University of Gothenburg) Mr Michael Heines (KU Leuven) Mr Hanrui Hu (Peking University) Prof. Ágota Koszoŕus (KU Leuven) Prof. Louis A Lalanne (CERN) Dr Pierre Lassegues (KU Leuven) Prof. Razvan Lica (Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering) Mr Yinshen Liu (Peking University) Prof. Kara M Lynch (University of Manchester) Ms Abi McGone (University of Manchester) Prof. Catalin Neascu (Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering) Prof. Gerda Neyens (KU Leuven) Mr Jordan R Reilly (University of Manchester) Prof. Christine Steenkamp (Stellenbosch University) Dr Simon Stegemann (CERN) Mr Julius Wessolek (CERN)

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