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NorCC Annual Workshop 2024

329, Hovedbygningen (NTNU Gløshaugen)

329, Hovedbygningen

NTNU Gløshaugen

Eli Baverfjord Rye (University of Oslo (NO)), Heidi Sandaker (University of Oslo (NO))

Welcome to NorCC's annual workshop 2024, this time at NTNU Gløshaugen in Trondheim!

The focus of this year's workshop is to finalize the Norwegian roadmap for the coming 10 years, and to prepare input for the update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics. The workshop agenda is structured similar to the roadmap outline. (Note that the roadmap draft is not yet circulated, but it will be before the workshop.) We will also be able to visit some of the many laboratories at NTNU, and NTNU rector Tor Grande will welcome us and join us for lunch on the first day. 
Everyone is welcome, and we hope to see many of you there in person! The workshop will also be possible to follow online.
If you plan to attend in person, please be sure to register so we can arrange enough food and drinks — the deadline is noon on Wednesday, August 21. (The registration will remain open until Monday, August 26, but if you register after August 21, it is not guaranteed that you will be able to join the dinner.)
Timetable view showing all subcontributions:

  • Alex Read
  • Andreas Görgen
  • Ann-Cecilie Larsen
  • Anna Lipniacka
  • Are Raklev
  • Are Strandlie
  • Armin HAFNER
  • Bjarne Stugu
  • Carl A. Lindstrøm
  • Dag Larsen
  • Eirik Gramstad
  • Eivind Osnes
  • Eli Baverfjord Rye
  • Erik Adli
  • Even Simonsen Haaland
  • Farid Ould-Saada
  • Heidi Sandaker
  • Håvard Helstrup
  • Ionut Cristian Arsene
  • James Catmore
  • Jan Malamant
  • Jenny Lunde
  • Joakim Nystrand
  • Johan Alme
  • Jørn Wroldsen
  • Kjetil Ullaland
  • Kyrre Sjøbæk
  • Mahan Asghari Zadeh
  • Martin Føll
  • Matthias Richter
  • Michael Kachelriess
  • Mulugeta Weldezgina Asres
  • Ole Dorholt
  • Ole Røhne
  • Pierre Drobniak
  • Pål Sørgaard
  • Ruben Guevara
  • Sasha Bylinkin
  • Steffen Maeland
  • Steinar Stapnes
  • Sveinung Løset
  • Synne Sandnes
  • Tarje Hillersøy
  • Therese Sjursen
  • Øyvind Frette
  • +8
  • Wednesday 4 September
    • 09:00 10:15
      Session 1 - Introduction 1h 15m 329, Hovedbygningen

      329, Hovedbygningen

      NTNU Gløshaugen

      Speaker: Heidi Sandaker (University of Oslo (NO))
      • Wecome to Trondheim - news for NorCC 5m
        Speaker: Heidi Sandaker (University of Oslo (NO))
      • NorCC roadmap - Current draft + plan for workshop 5m
        Speaker: Heidi Sandaker (University of Oslo (NO))
      • YRC input to the draft roadmap (provided to YRC in advance) 15m
        Speakers: Carl Petter Duedahl (University of Oslo (NO)), Jan Malamant (University of Oslo (NO)), Ruben Guevara (University of Oslo (NO)), Synne Sandnes, Tarje Solberg Hillersoy (University of Bergen (NO))
      • Next update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics 15m
        • process and input needed
        Speaker: Prof. Farid Ould-Saada (University of Oslo (NO))
    • 10:15 10:30
      Break 15m
    • 10:30 11:40
      Session 2 - Goals for HL-LHC and how to meet them (ALICE) 1h 10m 329, Hovedbygningen

      329, Hovedbygningen

      NTNU Gløshaugen

      Speakers: Ionut Cristian Arsene (University of Oslo (NO)), Joakim Nystrand (University of Bergen (NO)), Jorgen Lien (University of South-Eastern Norway (NO)), Matthias Richter (University of Bergen (NO))
      • ALICE Norway physics goals 40m
        Speaker: Joakim Nystrand (University of Bergen (NO))
      • ALICE Norway instrumentation and computing plans 30m
        Speaker: Jorgen Lien (University of South-Eastern Norway (NO))
    • 11:40 12:00
      Session 2 - Goals for HL-LHC and how to meet them (ATLAS) 20m 329, Hovedbygningen

      329, Hovedbygningen

      NTNU Gløshaugen

      Speakers: Dr Eirik Gramstad (University of Oslo (NO)), Simen Hellesund (University of Bergen (NO)), Therese Sjursen (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (No)), Dr Trygve Buanes (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (NO))
      • Physics Goals, analyses, software and computing 20m
        Speakers: Dr Eirik Gramstad (University of Oslo (NO)), James Catmore (University of Oslo (NO))
    • 12:00 12:15
      Welcome by NTNU Rector Tor Grande 15m 329, Hovedbygningen

      329, Hovedbygningen

      NTNU Gløshaugen

    • 12:15 13:30
      Lunch @ Kjelhuset 1h 15m
    • 13:30 13:45
      Overview of relevant NTNU activities 15m 329, Hovedbygningen

      329, Hovedbygningen

      NTNU Gløshaugen

      Speakers: Are Strandlie (University of Oslo (NO)), Armin HAFNER, Armin Hafner, Prof. Jørn Wroldsen (NTNU), Sveinung Løset
    • 13:45 14:45
      VIsit to laboratories 1h

      Visit to EPT Laboratories (I rekkefølge vi passerer stasjoner):
      - Introduction to EPT/SINTEF laboratories (Inngang Kolbjørn Hejes vei 1A)
      - Wood stove developments & CCS
      - High temperature heat pumps
      - Sustainable heating and cooling with CO2
      - Heat to power with Butane as the working fluid of the Rankine cycle

    • 14:45 15:30
      Session 2 - Goals for HL-LHC and how to meet them (ATLAS) continued 45m 329, Hovedbygningen

      329, Hovedbygningen

      NTNU Gløshaugen

      Speakers: Are Strandlie (University of Oslo (NO)), Are Strandlie (Fysisk institutt), Dr Eirik Gramstad (University of Oslo (NO)), Simen Hellesund (University of Bergen (NO)), Dr Steffen Maeland (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences), Therese Sjursen (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (No)), Dr Trygve Buanes (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (NO))
      • Physics Goals, analyses, software and computing 25m
        Speakers: Dr Eirik Gramstad (University of Oslo (NO)), James Catmore (University of Oslo (NO))
      • AI and ML in HEP 10m
        Speakers: Dr Eirik Gramstad (University of Oslo (NO)), Dr Steffen Maeland (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences), Dr Trygve Buanes (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (NO))
      • AI and ML : from HEP to technology 10m
        Speakers: Are Strandlie (University of Oslo (NO)), Are Strandlie (Fysisk institutt)
    • 15:30 16:15
      Session 3 - Goals for non-LHC experiments and how to meet them 45m 329, Hovedbygningen

      329, Hovedbygningen

      NTNU Gløshaugen

      Speakers: Antoine Camper (University of Oslo (NO)), Kyrre Ness Sjobaek (University of Oslo (NO)), Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk (University of Oslo), Dr Vetle Wegner Ingeberg (University of Oslo (NO))
    • 16:15 16:30
      Break w/ snack & coffee/tea 15m
    • 16:30 18:00
      Session 3 continued 1h 30m 329, Hovedbygningen

      329, Hovedbygningen

      NTNU Gløshaugen

      Speakers: Antoine Camper (University of Oslo (NO)), Kyrre Ness Sjobaek (University of Oslo (NO)), Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk (University of Oslo), Dr Vetle Wegner Ingeberg (University of Oslo (NO))
    • 19:30 22:00
      Workshop dinner @ E.C. Dahls Pub og Kjøkken 2h 30m
  • Thursday 5 September
    • 09:00 10:25
      Session 4 - Goals for FCC & future colliders in general, and how to meet them 1h 25m 329, Hovedbygningen

      329, Hovedbygningen

      NTNU Gløshaugen

      This session covers topics specific to FCC and also to those that are general for all future colliders (e.g. physics, computing, detectors)

      Speakers: Erik Adli (University of Oslo (NO)), James Catmore (University of Oslo (NO))
    • 10:25 10:35
      Break 10m
    • 10:35 12:00
      Session 5 - Goals for FCC alternatives ("Plan B") and how to meet them 1h 25m 329, Hovedbygningen

      329, Hovedbygningen

      NTNU Gløshaugen

      Speakers: Dr Carl A. Lindstrøm (University of Oslo (NO)), Oystein Midttun (University of Agder (NO)), Steffen Maeland (University of Bergen (NO))

      Comments and questions during discussions


      LC vision (Erik)

      Comment from James: Two interaction poitns are crucial for the physics and detector community!

      HALHF (Carl)

      Q Eirik: Can you track (in the detector) a very asymmetric beam? Tracking is already difficult with a narrow cone.

      Q Heidi: If the positron problem is solved (in plasma), would you still do an asymmetric collider?
      A: Yes, the technology for electrons and positrons would anyway likely be different.

      Q Ole: Could one use a circular machine for e+?
      A: No, the time structure of a circular machine would be too different from the plasma linac.

      Q James: What would be the time scale for building/operating this
      A: 10-20 years?

      Q Ionut: Are the optima sharp?
      A: Not very sharp, and there is also uncertainity due to e.g. klystron pricing.

      Comment Farid: Asymmetry might be good for analysis - e.g. secondary vertexes for tracking are "stretched out"

      Comment Alex: Going straight to the highest energies would be very challenging
      A: Indeed, want to work our way up

      Applications (Steinar)

      C Steinar to "FCC Accelerator oportunities": FCC injectors is something we could consider contributing to. Curently driven by PSI, who already has the expertise


    • 12:00 13:15
      Lunch @ Kjelhuset 1h 15m
    • 13:15 15:00
      NorCC Governing Board meeting 1h 45m 230, Hovedbygningen

      230, Hovedbygningen

      NTNU Gløshaugen

    • 13:15 15:00
      NorCC Young Researchers Council (YRC) meeting 1h 45m 231, Hovedbygningen

      231, Hovedbygningen

      NTNU Gløshaugen

    • 13:15 15:00
      Work on roadmap 1h 45m 329, Hovedbygningen

      329, Hovedbygningen

      NTNU Gløshaugen