15–19 Apr 2024
Europe/London timezone

The AIDA-Innova TLU. A Trigger/Timing Logic Unit for Beam-lines

15 Apr 2024, 14:30
Nucleus Building, Yew Lecture Theatre (Edinburgh)

Nucleus Building, Yew Lecture Theatre


Scotland, United Kingdom


Dr David Cussans (University of Bristol (GB))


In beam-lines providing particles to test High Energy Physics detectors there is a need to provide a way of synchronizing the "device under test" with instrumentation such as a beam telescope installed in the beam-line.

In order to ease use of beam test facilities the EU funded EUDET,AIDA,AIDA-2020 and now AIDA-Innova projects have developed Trigger/Timing Logic Units (TLUs) that aim to simplify integration.

We describe the TLU being developed as part of AIDA-Innova. The precision for tagging beam particles will be improved from O(1ns) in previous generations to TLU to O(100ps).


Dr David Cussans (University of Bristol (GB))

Presentation materials