Apr 15 – 19, 2024
Europe/London timezone

Information for presenters


Oral contributions are scheduled with 20mins time slots. The talk itself is expected to have 15mins with 5mins for questions from the audience.

Please upload your talk one day before the day of your presentation to the Indico agenda.


Poster contributions are expected to be:

  • A0 size
  • portrait format
  • printed*

*The local organizers cannot print out the posters for you, but in case of need for assistance to find local copy shops etc, please reach out to them via bttb12@ed.ac.uk

The poster area will be accessible during the whole workshop, as such we would like to ask the presenters to hang up their posters on Monday. The dedicated poster session is happening on Wednesday, where presenters are asked to stand next to their posters and present their work to the other participants.