15–19 Apr 2024
Europe/London timezone

Career Paths Event

Beyond academia

On Wednesday, 17th April 2024, a career event will be hosted by the 12th Beam Telescopes and Test Beams Workshop, which will discuss careers beyond academia. 

We will start at 4PM in Nucleus building, the event will be in hybrid mode via a Zoom connection. The format will be a panel discussion with invited speakers moderated by the workshop organizers. Afterwards you are invited to a Poster Session with some drinks and snacks.

So come by and let's discuss with us!


Invited speakers

Rachel Bray

Rachel is the head of the unique and vibrant CERN Alumni Programme, for which she was community manager from 2017 to 2020. Prior to this she worked for 8 years in CERN's Engineering Department, in the domain of Product Lifecycle Management and 9 years within the IT section of CERN Supplies Procurement and Logistics Department. In her spare time Rachel is Chair of the CERN Clubs' Coordinating Committee, President and Zumba instructor at the CERN Fitness Club and board member of the Association of Sports Committees of European Research Institutes.



Octavio Domínguez

Octavio graduated in Physics at the University of Seville, Spain, in 2008. He then worked in a prototype of a solar cooling system at PSE AG, Freiburg, Germany. A scholarship gave him the opportunity to do a placement at the ENEA laboratory near Rome, Italy, working on superconducting magnets for the ITER project. In 2009, he was awarded with a scholarship from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation to work at CERN, where he ended doing his PhD on electron cloud studies on the LHC and set the first beam and machine parameters for the Future Circular Collider (FCC). In 2014, short after finishing his PhD, Octavio decided to leave academia and follow his vocation of becoming a secondary school teacher.



Fatima Soomro

Fatima leads the strategic planning and operational execution at Argusa, alongside providing consultancy on data projects.     Since joining Argusa in 2018, Fatima has accumulated nearly a decade of experience in data and BI consulting, her previous consulting role being at ELCA Informatique.     Before venturing into her career in data and BI in 2015, Fatima was a particle physicist at Imperial College London, where she obtained her PhD in 2011. She continued her research work at INFN and EPFL, and made notable contributions to fundamental physics analyses at CERN.



David Wardrope


David is a Senior Applied Scientist at Amazon, based in Edinburgh. David researches and applies machine learning techniques to help customers all around the world find products that will delight them. 

Prior to this, David was a particle physicist. During his PhD with Imperial College London, David studied CMS ECAL performance in test beam, developed electron reconstruction algorithms and prepared for electroweak boson measurements. Following his PhD, David did a long postdoc at University College London, working on ATLAS data analysis using b-jets, latterly focused on di-Higgs boson searches. David made the leap to industry following a short industrial fellowship with ASOS, where he got to apply hyperbolic geometry to clothing recommendation problems.