15–19 Apr 2024
Europe/London timezone

The DESY II Test Beam Facility - Present and Future

15 Apr 2024, 17:20
Nucleus Building, Yew Lecture Theatre (Edinburgh)

Nucleus Building, Yew Lecture Theatre


Scotland, United Kingdom
Talk Facilities


Ralf Diener Sven Ackermann (DESY)


The DESY II Test Beam Facility is looking back at another successful year.
In this contribution, a review is given over the test beam period 2023 and the running period 2024. This includes the current status of the facility as well as recent developments of the infrastructure and improvements for the user community.
In addition, studies on the future of the facility are presented against the background of an upgrade of the accelerator complex for the planned Petra IV synchrotron source. Different upgrade plans for test beams at the existing synchrotron or at a completely new synchrotron will be introduced, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages.


Marcel Stanitzki (DESY) Norbert Meyners (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) Ralf Diener Sven Ackermann (DESY)

Presentation materials