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Apr 15 – 19, 2024
Europe/London timezone

Future instrumentation upgrades at the Fermilab Test Beam Facility and Irradiation Test Area

Apr 15, 2024, 5:00 PM
Nucleus Building, Yew Lecture Theatre (Edinburgh)

Nucleus Building, Yew Lecture Theatre


Scotland, United Kingdom
Talk Facilities


Nathaniel Joseph Pastika (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))


Fermilab plays host to the Fermilab Test Beam Facility(FTBF) and the Irradiation Test Area (ITA). The FTBF is one of the highest energy facilities in the world which is dedicated to helping experimenters develop, test, and calibrate particle detectors. The Fermilab accelerator complex delivers a 120 GeV primary proton beam and secondary/tertiary beams of varying momenta and particle content. The ITA provides access to high intensity (up to 2.7e15/hr) 400 MeV protons directly from the FNAL linac. FTBF and ITA provide beamline instrumentation, sources, ancillary equipment, and technical support needed to run successful experiments. This talk will cover the basics of the FTBF and ITA facilities with an emphasis on the status and plans for upgrades to the facility instrumentation.

Primary author

Nathaniel Joseph Pastika (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))

Presentation materials