- Adrian Herkert (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
Silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) have been selected as the photodetector technology for the dual-radiator RICH (dRICH) detector of the ePIC experiment at the future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC). A large-area prototype readout surface, consisting of a total of 1280 3 x 3 mm² SiPM sensors, was recently built and installed as part of the dRICH prototype during a beam test in October 2023 at...
The LHCb experiment is one of the four large detectors at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, performing searches for new physics through studies of CP-violation and rare decays of heavy-flavour hadrons. The RICH (Ring Imaging Cherenkov) sub-detectors assume a critical role in particle identification. At present, intensive test beam campaigns, lead by the RICH group, are actively...
This paper introduces a novel concept for a charge detector featuring high resolution and a wide dynamic range. The prototype of this detector was specifically designed and constructed to serve the ion beam monitoring requirements of the High-Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) experiment during beam tests conducted at CERN SPS facilities.
The prototype incorporates a series of silicon...
The J-PARC E16 experiment has the goal to search for signatures of the spontanoeusly broken chiral symmetry and its (partial) restoration, through the study in-medium modification of the vector mesons, particulary the phi meson, decaying via di-electron channel, with a high intensity 30 GeV proton beam interacting with C and Cu targets at rates up to 10 MHz. For this purpose, the experiment...
Muon spin rotation (μSR) is a long existing baseline technique in condensed matter research, facilitating the exploration of magnetic and superconducting phenomena. Traditional reliance on scintillator-based detectors, limited in rate and spatial resolution, hinders the investigation of novel quantum materials. The use of ultra-thin silicon pixel sensors for precise track reconstruction has...