Mar 11 – 13, 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

Refining document collaboration with ONLYOFFICE: when flexibility matters

Mar 12, 2024, 4:20 PM
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


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Presentation Collaboration Products


Oleksiy Ivanov (OnlyOffice)


Flexibility is an essential skill for teamwork in general, especially in dynamic and challenging situations. Flexibility factor is also of great significance for document collaboration which nowadays is a must for everyone.

Every day we work with numerous office files together with colleagues, team members, various external users, etc. It is important to be able to collaborate on files from different locations and time zones (especially for distributed teams), from different devices and environments (e.g. when it's needed to integrate a solution into the existing corporate infrastructure), as well as to be able to extend the solution functionality at any time you need it, both internally and externally.

In our presentation, we'll cover the following aspects:

  • How ONLYOFFICE allows effectively working with all popular formats of
    office files: docs, sheets, slides, forms, and PDFs.
  • Role of flexibility and its types — what integration options are
    available for ONLYOFFICE Docs (API, WOPI, plugins, connectors).
  • How to organize secure teamwork on sensitive files and research
    papers using the room-based collaboration environment ONLYOFFICE


Presentation materials