Laura Reina
(Florida State University (US))
We present results from a global fit of dimension-six SMEFT operators that includes electroweak, Higgs-boson, top-quark, and flavor observables. The leading-order scale dependence of the SMEFT Wilson
coefficients is consistently included in the evolution from the UV
scale to the electroweak scale and the low-energy scale of flavor
observables. The global fit is obtained within the HEPfit framework
and is based on the state-of-the-art of both experimental results and
SM theoretical predictions for all the observables considered.
Angelica Goncalves Dos Santos
Jorge de Blas
(Universidad de Granada (ES))
Laura Reina
(Florida State University (US))
Luca Silvestrini
Mauro Valli
(YITP, Stony Brook)
Victor Miralles
(University of Manchester)