20–22 May 2024
Dallas Texas USA
America/Chicago timezone

Pushing the NNLO+PS frontier towards new classes of processes with MiNNLO

21 May 2024, 15:05
Fondren Science Building 123 (Dallas Texas USA)

Fondren Science Building 123

Dallas Texas USA

3215 Daniel Avenue Fondren Science Building Southern Methodist University Dallas, TX 75275-0175


Marius Wiesemann (Max Planck Institute for Physics) Marius Wiesemann (Max Planck Institute for Physics Munich)


The MiNNLO framework offers an efficient approach to consistently include NNLO QCD corrections within Monte-Carlo event generators. As the first (and only) NNLO+PS method that was extended beyond colour-singlet production, recent developments of the MiNNLO method will be discussed that tackle new classes of hadron-collider reactions, including heavy quarks, jets, and colour singlets in the final state. The focus of this talk will be the very recent extension of the MiNNLO matching to the production of a heavy-quark pair in association with a colour singlet. As a first application of this approach, NNLO+PS event generation for bbZ production in the 4FS is presented, which yields intriguing results both in comparison to data and in comparison to 5FS predictions.

Presentation materials