Giuseppe Ruggiero
- Speaker at NP limits from kaon decays
Marie-Helene Schune
- Speaker at Gamma/phi3 @ hadron colliders
On behalf of Qun Wang
- Speaker at Announcement of FPCP 2012
Brad Abbot
- Speaker at Bs->Jpsi phi/phi phi TD asymmetry
- Raz Alon (Weizmann Institute of Science (IL))
Guido Altarelli
- Speaker at Theory Conclusions
- Liron Barak (Weizmann Institute of Science (IL))
Paolo Bellan
(Padova University and INFN)
- Speaker at HF production @ CMS & polarization
Eli Ben-Haim
(LPNHE Paris)
- Speaker at CPV in b->s penguins
- Alex Bernardini
Florian Urs Bernlochner
(University of Victoria (CA))
- Speaker at SIMBA
- Speaker at V_ub and semileptonic decays
- Alexander Bondar (BudkerINP)
walter bonivento
- Speaker at HF production @ LHCb
Carolin Barbara Braeuninger
- Speaker at Yukawa alignment in 2HDMs
Tom Browder
(University of Hawaii)
- Speaker at Belle-II
Marta Calvi
(Universita degli Studi Milano - Bicocca-Unknown-Unknown)
- Speaker at LHCb time-dependent results
Brendan Casey
- Speaker at Fermilab flavor program
Sookyung Choi
- Speaker at Updates on the X(3872)
Jonathon Coleman
- Speaker at Rare charm decays & f_Ds
Paula Collins
- Speaker at LHCb upgrade
Cristobal Cuenca Almenar
(Yale University)
- Speaker at Higgs searches and Wjj
Matteo De Gerone
(INFN Genova)
- Speaker at mu -> e gamma and mu->eee
Guglielmo De Nardo
(Napoli University and INFN)
- Speaker at Rare B decays with neutrinos
Justin Evans
(University College London)
- Speaker at Neutrino mixing results
Justin Evans
(University of Oxford)
- Speaker at Neutrino mixing results
- Iftah Galon
Elvira Gamiz
- Speaker at Lattice
Elvira Gamiz
(University of Illinois)
- Speaker at Lattice
Elvira Gamiz
(University of Illinois)
- Speaker at Lattice
- Oram Gedalia (Weizmann Institute of Science)
- Michael Geller
Avi Gershon
(Tel Aviv University (IL))
- Speaker at Heavy flavor gauge boson
Yuval Grossman
- Speaker at Flavor-diagonal physics
- Speaker at Flavor-diagonal physics
- Guy Gur-Ari
- Nir Guttman (Unknown)
Amnon Harel
(University of Rochester)
- Speaker at New Physics in top @ Tevatron
Clement Helsens
(IFAE, Barcelona)
- Speaker at Top physics at ATLAS
Gudrun Hiller
(Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Muenchen)
- Speaker at Rare decays theory
Gudrun Hiller
(Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen)
- Speaker at Rare decays theory
Walter Hopkins
(Cornell University-Unknown-Unknown)
- Speaker at b->smumu and b->mumu @ Tevatron
- Speaker at b->smumu and b->mumu @ Tevatron
Andrew Ivanov
(Kansas State University-Unknown-Unknown)
- Speaker at Search for 4th generation fermions
Andrew Ivanov
- Speaker at Search for 4th generation fermions
- Jose Juknevich
alexander kagan
(university of Cincinnati)
- Speaker at Charm theory
Jernej Kamenik
(Jozef Stefan Institute)
- Speaker at New physics and top: theory
Daniel Kaplan
(Illinois Institute of Technology)
- Speaker at New experiments with antiprotons
Boris Kayser
- Speaker at Neutrino theory
Wolfgang Kiesenhofer
(HEPHY Vienna)
- Speaker at SUSY & high-pT flavor tagging @ CMS
Wolfgang Kiesenhofer
(Institut fuer Hochenergiephysik (HEPHY)-Oesterreichische Akademi)
- Speaker at SUSY & high-pT flavor tagging @ CMS
Yury Kolomensky
(UC Berkeley/LBNL)
- Speaker at Neutrinoless double beta decay
Kostas Kordas
(Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
- Speaker at HF production @ ATLAS & HERA
Alexander Lenz
- Speaker at Theoretical status of CKM
Harry Lipkin
- Speaker at The Kpi puzzle
Giampiero Mancinelli
(Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM)-Universite)
- Speaker at b->smumu and b->mumu @ LHC
Lorenzo Mannelli
- Speaker at Analytical study of planar flow
Maurizio Martinelli
(INFN Bari)
- Speaker at CPV in tau->Ks and D->Ks decays
Yoshiyuki Miyazaki
- Speaker at LFV with tau decays
Gagan Mohanty
(Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR))
- Speaker at Alpha/phi2
Franz Muheim
- Speaker at Bs->J/psi f0 & future of phi_s
Yonathan Munwes
(Tel Aviv University (IL))
- Speaker at J/psi cross section and B fraction
Tadashi Nomura
- Speaker at J-PARC flavor program
Yoshiyuki Onuki
(Tohoku University)
- Speaker at Gamma/phi3 @ ee colliders
Michele Papucci
- Speaker at New directions in flavor physics
Paride Paradisi
(U. di Valencia)
- Speaker at LFV theory
Paride Paradisi
- Speaker at LFV theory
Paride Paradisi
(University of Valencia and IFIC)
- Speaker at LFV theory
Christina Potter
- Speaker at SUSY & high-pT flavor tagging @ ATLAS
Blair Ratcliff
- Speaker at SuperB
- Nicolas Rey Le Lorier
Jonathan Rosner
- Speaker at Charm at the threshold
- Speaker at Quarkonium theory
Fabrizio Ruffini
(INFN of pisa, University of Siena)
- Speaker at B & Bs decays and asymmetries
Himansu Sahoo
(University of Hawaii)
- Speaker at Beta/phi1
A. I. Sanda
- Speaker at Harry Lipkin: a pedestrian's view
Valentina Santoro
(University of Ferrara)
- Speaker at cc & bb states @ ee colliders
Thomas Schwarz
(University of California Davis)
- Speaker at ttbar forward-backward asymmetry
- Konstantin Shougaev
- Yiftah Silver (Tel Aviv University (IL))
Abner Soffer
(School Phys. & Astron., HEP Dept. - Sackler Faculty of Exact Sc)
- Speaker at Announcement of FPCP 2012
- Speaker at Welcome
- Yotam Soreq (WIS)
Nimrod Taiblum
(Tel Aviv University (IL))
- Speaker at Search for heavy displaced vertices at ATLAS
Frederic Teubert
- Speaker at Experiment conclusions
Mark Tibbetts
(Imperial College)
- Speaker at b->sgamma and gammagamma
Silvano Tosi
(Institut de Physique Nucleaire de Lyon (IPNL)-Universite Claude)
- Speaker at Top physics at CMS
Werner Vogelsang
- Speaker at The ttbar FB asymmetry: theory
Andreas Weiler
- Speaker at New physics and flavor
Mark Williams
- Speaker at Tevatron dilepton asymmetry
Gradl Wolfgang
- Speaker at New states
Eric D. Zimmerman
(University of Colorado)
- Speaker at Future neutrino-mixing experiments
Lidija Zivkovic
(Physics Dept., Pupin Physics Lab.-Columbia University-Unknown)
- Speaker at SUSY searches at Tevatron
- Speaker at SUSY searches at Tevatron
Anze Zupanc
- Speaker at D-Dbar mixing
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