10–13 Mar 2025
Europe/Zurich timezone

Measurement and FE modelling critical transverse loading limits of REBCO CORC©-like cables for fusion

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503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


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Dr Arend Nijhuis (University of Twente)


High magnetic fields of up to 20 T in tokamak-type fusion devices, such as in Central Solenoids of the European DEMO and the Chinese BEST fusion reactors, require High-Temperature Superconductors (HTS). Among the potential candidates, REBCO tape has emerged as a promising candidate. However, the substantial Lorentz forces in these environments can lead to localized mechanical stress concentration, which can irreversibly degrade the critical current of the superconductor.

In addressing this challenge, the Conductor On Round Core (CORC®) – like configuration appears as a viable solution to withstand these demanding operating conditions. The design of such cables requires comprehensive electromechanical characterization of REBCO tapes, CORC® cables, and finite element analysis (FEA). This presentation outlines the work conducted at the University of Twente to investigate these three aspects.

For the mechanical characterization of ReBCO tapes, two experiments were performed to examine the strain sensitivity of the critical current under tensile and compressive strains. Tapes from three different manufacturers were tested, and the results are presented.

The transverse load response of four CORC®-like cables was studied using the hydraulic Twente Cable Press. Sample holders was designed to resemble the loading conditions in the actual CORC®-CICCs. Measurements of the critical currents of individual tapes and contact resistances between tapes as functions of applied load and load cycling are shown together with their respective compression versus applied force behaviour.

Finally, results from a 3D FEM model are discussed. After validation against experimental data, the model is used to predict the performance of CORC®-like CICC samples in SULTAN and Twente Press. The model predictions are in good agreement with the experimental results, allowing for further conductor optimizations.

Session Cables for magnets


Dr Arend Nijhuis (University of Twente) Mr Giulio Anniballi (University of Twente)


Dr Celan Soyarslan (University of Twente) Chao Zhou Danko van der Laan Jeremy Weiss (Advanced Conductor Technologies and University of Colorado, Boulder) Prof. Jin Huan (CAS-ASIPP) Jinggang Qin Mr Ruben Lubkemann (Foundation SuperACT) Prof. Ton van den Boogaard (University of Twente) Ms Veerle Ellenbroek (University of Twente)

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