The future of fusion energy
23/Apr/2024 - 18:30-20:00
Location: Salón Real, Casa de la Panadería. Plaza Mayor. Madrid
The discussion will be broadcasted live via zoom (ZOOM LINK)
- Carlos Hidalgo Vera (National Fusion Lab Director)
- Isabel García Cortés (National Fusion Lab Outreach coordinator)
- Beatriz Brañas (Head of IFMIF Unit, CIEMAT)
- Antonio Bravo Pérez (Business Development Manager, IDOM)
- Moderator: Joaquín Sánchez Sanz (CIEMAT Scientific-Technical Director)
The session will include four short presentations as the basis for the discussion.
The first speaker will be C. Hidalgo, Head of the Fusion Department at CIEMAT, who will present the status, main challenges, and roadmap milestones of the European Fusion Programme, primarily focused on the magnetic confinement path.
Afterwards, A. Bravo, from Company IDOM, will provide the vision of a company that serves as a technology supplier for current fusion projects, while also being a committed investor in longer-term private endeavors focused on electricity generation from fusion.
While particle accelerators do not play a significant role in magnetic confinement fusion, they are crucial for testing candidate materials that must withstand the damage caused by fusion's 14 MeV neutrons. This testing will be conducted at the IFMIIF-DONES experiment, an accelerator-based neutron source whose construction is planned in Granada, Spain. B. Brañas, Head of the IFMIF-DONES Development Unit at CIEMAT, will describe the main characteristics of the project.
Finally, I. Garcia, an experimental plasma physicist who also serves as the CIEMAT contact point for Fusion Public Information, will report on the Eurofusion strategy regarding Public Information.
The organisers would like to thank the Madrid Convention Bureau for their generous support.