12:05 PM
LHC experiments@FF: CMS and other activities
Predrag Milenovic
(Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade (RS))
Vukasin Milosevic
(Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade (RS) and CERN)
12:30 PM
Future colliders
Ivanka Bozovic
(VINCA Institute, University of Belgrade (RS).)
12:55 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
Theory - particles and fields
Marija Dimitrijevic Ciric
(Physics Faculty, University of Belgrade)
2:25 PM
Theory - ultrarelativistic and nuclear
Magdalena Djordjevic
(Institute of Physics Belgrade)
2:50 PM
Nuclear Physics
Jovana Nikolov
(University of Novi Sad (RS))
3:15 PM
Neutrino and Astroparticle Physics
Natasa Todorović
(University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Science)
3:40 PM
Antun Balaz
(Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade (RS))
4:05 PM
Education and Outreach
Goran Dordevic
(University of Nis (RS))
4:20 PM
Perspectives from Young Scientists
Jovan Mitic
(Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade (RS))
Ema Maricic
(CEA Paris-Saclay (FR) & Institute of Physics Belgrade (RS))
Veljko Maksimovic
(Institute of Physics Belgrade, University of Belgrade (RS))
4:35 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
5:00 PM
RECFA Closed Session
6:05 PM
First feedback from RECFA
Paris Sphicas