This talk presents the results from the BaBar experiment on the search for dark matter candidates produced from $B$ mesons decays in $e^+e^−$ annihilations at 10.58 GeV .
We focus on two searches:
The search for exotic B meson decays into a baryon and
a dark sector anti-baryon; $B^+ \rightarrow \psi_D + p$ and $B \rightarrow \psi_D + \Lambda$. These decays could simultaneously explain the presence of dark matter and the asymmetry between matter-antimatter in the universe. No significant signal is observed, and upper limits on the Branching fractions are placed. -
The model independent search for an additional, mostly sterile, Heavy Neutral Lepton (HNL), that mixes with the Standard Model $\tau$ neutrino. The mixing strength is denoted by $|U_{\tau4}|^2$. No significant signal is observed and limits on $|U_{\tau4}|^2$ strength versus the mass hypothesis are presented.
The results are also reinterpreted to provide limits on a super-symmetric model with R-parity violation and a light neutralino.