The LISA Final conference is a gathering of the LISA MSCA innovative training network and beyond, started in 2019.
The LISA (Laser Ionization and Spectroscopy of Actinides) consortium has been training a new generation of experts in different fields of radioactive ion beam research and applications, with the underlying goal of improving our knowledge of the elements known as the actinides using laser spectroscopy techniques.
As the LISA project comes to an end, this conference will be the opportunity to showcase the work of the 15 early stage researchers (ESR) recruited.
Invited speakers from a variety of topics will also broaden the horizon:
- Bio Physics & Medical Applications of radionuclides
- Fundamental Nuclear Physics
- Introduction to the Gamma Factory
- Introduction to AWAKE
A graduation ceremony will be held at the end of the Conference for the ESRs and Affiliates who would have obtained their PhD.
This conference will also be dedicated to Bruce Marsh, an accomplished & internationally known researchers among his peers, who acted as LISA Network Coordinator after initiating and brining together the network.
New Abstract deadline: Sunday 16 June
Registration Deadline: Sunday 7 July