Experimental results indicate opposite helicity angle $\theta_p$ distributions in $B^+\to p\bar p \pi^+$ and $B^+\to p\bar p K^+$ decays with the difference presenting a remarkable linear dependence on $\cos \theta_p$.
We assume the production mechanism is driven by $B^+\to xy\, m^+ \to p\bar p m^+$, where $m =\pi$ or $K$, and $xy$ represents favorable mesonic decay channels producing $p\bar p$.
From that, I will present a model that includes three-body final state interaction between the $p\,,~\bar p$ and $\pi^+$ or $K^+$ considering the dominance of elastic channels $\pi^+p$ and $K^+\bar p$ interactions below 2\,GeV/c$^2$.
I will show that our three-body framework with FSI explains qualitatively the observed opposite behavior of the helicity distributions and the observed linearity.