Mar 10 – 14, 2025
Centro Cultural da UFRGS
America/Sao_Paulo timezone

Code of conduct

Hadrons 2025 is committed to fostering an inclusive atmosphere devoid of discrimination, bullying, harassment, or victimization. Our aim is to ensure that every participant is treated with utmost respect and dignity, fostering a culture of diversity where each individual is appreciated for their unique contributions and individuality.

This code applies to all attendees:

  • All communications, whether verbal or written, are expected to be suitable for a professional audience that encompasses a diverse range of backgrounds. The use of sexist or inappropriate language and imagery is strictly prohibited during all meetings, conferences, and events, including presentations and posters. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to withdraw talks, posters, and social media posts from both physical premises and online platforms if they are found to violate this code of conduct.

  • Show kindness and treat fellow attendees with respect. Refrain from insulting or belittling others. Maintain professional behavior, avoiding any form of harassment, as well as jokes that are sexist, racist, or exclusionary, as such behavior is not deemed appropriate.

  • Individuals requested to cease any inappropriate behavior are required to comply promptly. Should any attendee violate this code, the Organizing Committee reserves the right, after careful consideration, to ask the individual to leave the event at their sole discretion, without offering a refund.

  • Any violation of this code should be reported to the Organizing Committee. The Committee will initiate contact with the individuals involved, seeking to resolve the breach amicably. In incidents involving two parties, the Committee will appoint two members to serve as contacts and support for the individuals, reviewing the case and working towards a suitable resolution. If deemed necessary, the offender may be reported to their home institution.


Free Circulation of Scientists

The free circulation of scientists for scientific purposes is a major piece of IUPAP policy. Its policy on this matter which is consistent with the corresponding declaration of the International Council of Science, and was adopted at the 26th General Assembly in 2008 and endorsed by the 27th General Assembly in 2011, states that:

  • The principle of the Universality of Science is fundamental to scientific progress. This principle embodies freedom of movement, association, expression and communication for scientists, as well as equitable access to data, information and research materials.

  • In pursuing its objectives with respect to the rights and responsibilities of scientists, the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) actively upholds this principle, and, in so doing, opposes any discrimination on the basis of such factors as ethnic origin, religion, citizenship, language, political stance, gender, or age. IUPAP should only sponsor conferences and events at institutions and in countries that uphold this principle. If scientists are excluded from attending IUPAP-sponsored international conferences by a host institution or country on the basis of any of these factors, IUPAP should register its concern at the highest level of that institution or country and should not sponsor any future events in that country until such exclusions have been eliminated.