Sueki Baba
(Beamsense Co. Ltd. Japan)
Since polymers mainly consist of the light atomic elements, the transmission of polymers against X-rays is usually too high to be visualized in X-ray microscopy, and hence, it has been considered that the polymers are not suitable for the X-ray computerized tomography (XCT). We calculate the X-ray absorption coefficients of various polymers and find the reasonably good conditions for the XCT observations of polymers: the use of 15 KeV X-rays on average can resolve the polystyrene and poly(methy methacrylate) in 3 μm spatial resolutions. According to this calculation, we build a XCT and experimentally confirmed the visualization of the phase-separation structures of PS/PMMA blends. Thus developed apparatus is applied to many kinds of subjects, such as insects, plants, foods, and so on.
Sueki Baba
(Beamsense Co. Ltd. Japan)
Yukihiro Nishikawa
(Kyoto Institute of Technology)
Masaoki Takahashi
(Kyoto Institute of Technology)