The IRIS-HEP Retreat will take place in the Physics Lecture Hall Complex, in room PAA 114. It is located in the South West corner of the campus, where NE Pacific and 15th NE intersect.
On the map below the Red pin is the location of the main plenary room. The two red circles represent the 2 closest Light Rail stations (you'll likely get off at one of the two depending on your hotel location if coming from the airport).
We strongly recommend you do not drive for this short a trip. Instead, when you arrive at the airport, take light rail (about $4.50) to your hotel, or an Lyft or Uber (about $80).
Public Transportation (bus and light rail) is excellent in Seattle. Most places you will want to go out for dinner, see, etc., will be accessible by public transport. You can buy an Ocra card online.
Parking in Seattle is a blood sport. However, the summer term is done and the fall term will not have started - so parking around the university should be possible! If you wish to park on campus, you can, but we do not have any parking passes, unfortunatey. When you enter campus, stop at a booth and explain you are attending a workshop in the Physics and Astronomy Building and they should direct you appropriately. If you have any sort of disabled car sticker please make sure they see this so they can direct you even closer than the normal parking garages (there are some disabled parking spaces that are very close!).