February 8, 2024 to September 1, 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

Welcome to the CERN openlab Summer Student information and registration page!

This is the page where you will be able to find useful information to make your stay as easy and joyful as possible. Please take a moment to read it as it contains a lot of useful information, some of it might be updated later on.

It is important that  you fill out the registration carefully, making sure that you spell your name as it is written in your passport. 

The information given will be used to issue invitation letters for visa and pre-paid cards for your subsistence. Full information on how we use your personal data can be found in the menu of the information page.

It is upon you to check whether you need a visa or not and ask for this when you register.

Travel to and from Geneva must be booked and paid by yourself. You will receive a flat rate travel allowance with your last subsistence based on your home station (it typically covers the cost of an economy return ticket). The travel allowance is paid with your last subsistence.

Your first subsistence will be paid to you during your first contractual week.


What we offer

  • A contract of association of 9 weeks to work on an advanced IT project.
  • An extensive IT lecture programme, students will also be able to attend the CERN generic summer student lecture programme if they wish.
  • A 92 CHF per calendar day (net of tax) subsistence allowance to cover the cost of accommodation and meals in the Geneva area for a single person for the whole contract duration.
  • A travel allowance on a lump sum basis paid at the end of your stay to help you with the cost of travel between Geneva and your residence at the time of the selection committee.
  • Coverage by CERN’s comprehensive Health Insurance scheme (contribution is already deducted from the daily allowance).
  • Assistance to find and reserve accommodation on the CERN site or nearby as per designated hotels/hostels.


There are 2 open surveys.